Star Trek: A Time to...

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"A Time to...", is a series of nine Star Trek novels dealing with the ship and crew of the Enterprise-E before the events of the film Star Trek Nemesis. Each book occupies approximately half of a story arc, with the 9th book being a stand alone story arc. The series continues, with each book directly following the last even when a story arc has finished.


[edit] A Time to Be Born

A Time to Be Born novel by John Vornholt and the first in the series of A time to... novels. It deals with the aftermath of a particularly vicious battle in the dominion war which has left an area of space littered with debris and the remains of many ships.

The Enterprise-E is assigned to help patrol the battle site and recover the bodies of the deceased federation personnel. However, soon after arriving strange goings on occur within the battle site and the Enterprise must investigate, while at the same time, keeping the peace with the locals froma nearby planet.

[edit] A Time to Die

A Time to Die is a 2004 novel by John Vornholt set in the fictional universe of Star Trek: The Next Generation. It is the 2nd in the series "A time to..." novels, depicting the events that took place before Star Trek Nemesis. It is a sequel to A Time to Be Born and prequels A Time to Sow

[edit] Plot

Picard is being held under psychiatric evaluation, while his crew attempts to deal carrying on as usual. However, with some intervention from The Traveler, Picard and crew are given the opportunity to prove their innocence for their outrageous behavior while stationed in the Rashanar Battle Site.

[edit] A Time to Sow

A Time to Sow is a 2004 novel by Dayton Ward and Kevin Dilmore set in the fictional universe of Star Trek: The Next Generation. It is the 3rd in the series "A time to..." novels, depicting the events that took place before Star Trek Nemesis. It is a sequel to A Time to Die and prequels A Time to Harvest

[edit] Plot

After clearing their names for attacks against the Onatailians, Picard and crew are still being ostracised, and are sent on a mission to an unexplored sector as punishment. They are to find the remains of a civilization that should have died two centuries earlier. However, upon arrival, the Dokaalans are still alive.

This peaceful civilization however, is under extreme strains as their civilization seems to be experiencing a lot of unfortunate "accidents" as of late, and it's up to the Enterprise to help them out.

[edit] A Time to Harvest

A Time to Harvest is a 2004 novel by Dayton Ward and Kevin Dilmore set in the fictional universe of Star Trek: The Next Generation. It is the 4th in the series "A time to..." novels, depicting the events that took place before Star Trek Nemesis. It is a sequel to A Time to Sow and prequels A Time to Love (Star Trek)

[edit] Plot

After clearing their names for attacks against the Onatailians, Picard and crew are still being ostracised, and are sent on a mission to an unexplored sector as punishment. They are to find the remains of a civilization that should have died two centuries earlier. However, upon arrival, the Dokaalans are still alive.

This peaceful civilization however, is under extreme strains as their civilization seems to be experiencing a lot of unfortunate "accidents" as of late, and it's up to the Enterprise to help them out.

[edit] A Time to Love

A Time to Love is a 2004 novel by Robert Greenberger set in the fictional universe of Star Trek: The Next Generation. It is the 5th in the series "A time to..." novels, depicting the events that took place before Star Trek Nemesis. It is a sequel to A Time to Harvest and prequels A Time to Hate

[edit] Plot

After saving the Dokaalan's from being exploited by another race, the Enterprise is sent on another mission that no one else wants. Delta Sigma IV was seen as the perfect example of interspecies cooperation as two normally rivalling species the Dorset and Bader found peace and settled there own colony. However on the verge of intra planetary celebrations a murder takes place, a murder has not taken place on Delta Sigma IV for over 100 years.

The murder takes place between two test subjects who were finishing the finally stages of treatment that should have cured Delta Sigma IV's population of an early aging disease. The cure came form the Federation and after the Federation representative Kyle Riker disappears after the murderer the tension between the crew of the Enterprise and the colonists mounts. Soon acts of violence erupt across the planet and only the crew of the Enterprise can stop this civilisation from spiralling into destruction.

[edit] External links

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