A History of Murphy's Law

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A History of Murphy's Law is a book first published in 2003 by researcher-documentary producer Nick T. Spark detailing a history of Murphy's Law. The original publication was put out in the form of a four part serialized article "Why Everything You know About Murphy's Law is Wrong"[1] which was revised, expanded and later published in June 2006 as the serious (but fun to read) book: A History of Murphy's Law, which illuminates the law's genesis, the controversy behind it, and sheds light on why some of the controversy and confusion came about. The book also contains a generous amount of official pictures (United States Air Force) and some by the author showing then and now views of the MX981 project.

Much of the book material is similar to the four-part-article, but includes additional information, an overview of the matter, expanded materials on the personalities involved, and a revelation of a state of de facto feuding between two of Mr. Spark's sources and their 'disappointed' reactions to his original article. (Neither are happy with his reporting.) Amplified comments are provided about the alternative possible coiner and undoubted publicizer of the term by the biographer of John Stapp who believes the adage originated with Stapp, the head and hero of the project.

Until Spark's chance encounter with the son of one of the Project MX981 supporting engineers (Hill), the world had no notice that there was a controversy, nor that the eponymous name had more scorn than praise behind it's origination. One key conclusion of the work is that the mists of time obscure even the simplest matters, and that history is written by the survivors, who are not necessarily the winners. Even if the matter is one as picayune as one based on interpersonal 'bad chemistry'.

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