A.F.S.K. Hom Tov

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A.F.S.K. Hom Tov is a spin-off of the A.F.S.K. Industries Group in Haifa, Israel. The company was founded by Shimon Kazanskyhas and Israel Feldman, the current managing director.

A.F.S.K. Hom Tov has patented an oil shale processing method, first presented at the end of 2006, whereby 6 megatonnes of oil shale is coated with 2 Mt of refinery waste bitumen and retorted to produce 3 Mt of oil (all per annum). The company claims this technology to be more efficient and environmentally friendly than classical shale oil producing methods, but so far it has only been tested on a laboratory scale.

The company plans to build a small (1-2 tonne/h) test plant in Haifa[1] before building a full scale production plant in the Negev Desert south of Beer Sheba at Mishor Rotem, where the oil shale reserves are estimated at 1.25 gigatonnes. [2] The Mishor Rotem plant would bring bitumen 80 km by a new pipeline from the Ashdod refinery and return product along the same corridor.[3]

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