A2Z Travel Bus Route 331

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Operated by A2Z Travel
Garage Walsall
Vehicle Dennis Lances
Peak vehicle requirement 2
Start Walsall Bus Station
Via Walsall Manor Hospital, Alumwell, Bentley & Lodge Farm
End Willenhall, The Lion Hotel
Length About ?? miles
Level Daytime 06:50 - 17:45 Monday - Friday.
Frequency Every 30 Minutes
Journey time 25 Minutes
Night 332.

West Midlands bus route 331 is a bus route operating in the West Midlands, England.

[edit] General

The 331 route used to be operated by National Express West Midlands, before A2Z began operating the route in competition with them. At one stage, National Express West Midlands operated the service every 20 minutes, along with further services 331As to Lodge Farm, also every 20 minutes giving a combined 10 minute frequency.

However this decreased to 20 minutes not long after and then to every 30 minutes.

In July 2007 National Express West Midlands adjusted the route, cutting out Alumwell and The Manor Hospital and terminating on the Lodge Farm Estate. They are also increased the frequency to every 20 minutes.

However, in November 2007 National Express West Midlands withdrew their operations on the 331, leaving A2Z as the sole operator, who were still operating the original route at a half hourly frequency.

In May 2008, A2Z Travel stopped operating the service on a Saturday.

The evening and sunday services are numbered 332 and operated by National Express West Midlands. This route is basically the same as the 331, but goes further into Alumwell and Bentley and terminates at Lodge Farm.

[edit] Route

  • Walsall Town Centre
  • Manor Hospital
  • Alumwell
  • Bentley
  • Lodge Farm
  • Willenhall