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"Peaceful" Neo-nazi rallies? That’s kind of an oxymoron isn't it? The whole basis of Nazi philosophy is that the Aryan race is supreme, descended from God and that they have the right to rule. Last time I checked Hitler didn't sit down and have a friendly protest about the Jews he had them slaughtered. Hitler created the Nazis as we know them and he wasn't a peaceful man: He didn't teach tolerance or peaceful protest, he taught genocide. Hitler isn't Gandhi, and Nazis aren't nice people just trying to peacefully liberate themselves from some empire. Would you care to explain how it is that people who believe that they are superior to everyone else and that they have a right to decide the fate of millions of others can be peaceful? You can't call a murderer a man of peace. The whole reason this talk board is here is because some people are claiming that this article is biased, and yet here you are typing the words "peaceful neo-nazi rallies" (It's clear what you believe isn't it?), Just that little excerpt is nothing short of propaganda. Just because they don't kill anyone at the rallies doesn't make them peaceful, like I said the basis of nazi philosophy shows plain and simple that there can be no such thing as a peaceful nazi. Another thing, how do you expect to be taken seriously as an objective commenter when you have the gall to post something like that, "peaceful nazi rallies"! That’s like saying killer stuffed animals, outside of the realm of movies and your own imagination they don't make much sense. I'm sure right now you're thinking of snide comments about how biased this reply is, that’s fine I admit I'm biased and I suggest you do the same. I don't think violence is the answer to anything, even when dealing with racists, and I don't support anti-racists attacking Nazis but don't for a second try to claim that such a thing as "peaceful" neo-nazis exist, you can't take an idealism based around racial superiority and hatred of others and make it peaceful. If these people really beleive in peace then they need to find a different name other than neo-nazis, and a different belief system than Hitler’s, and a different romodle.