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Still using BRITISH Telecom, I see. Strange for such a die-hard republican... being reverted, as usual.

You can push your POV all you want, and it'll still be reverted.
And once agian, the idea of such a republican POV pusher continually using a company called British Telecom to access the internet is extremely humourous. Nice to see your ideals are completely and utterly hollow. --Kiand 03:12, 2 April 2006 (UTC)
You are allowed use other ISPs. I bet you're "forced" to use BT due to mummy paying the phone bill to them, right?
Of couse, any true Republican would live in the Republic. You don't. You live somewhere where BT is called BT and not Esat. Ah well..... --Kiand 03:16, 2 April 2006 (UTC)
No, you live in Northern Ireland, or elsewhere in the UK. Sorry to say that fantasy lands don't exist.
I'm sure you could convince mummy or daddy to chance to UTV or another ISP if you really try hard enough. Because a Republican using BT is so unconvincing. --Kiand 03:20, 2 April 2006 (UTC)
Still, as a company listed on the ISE they're better than British Telecom, surely. Also, there are other ISPs. Obviously your parents aren't convinced and won't move to, say, Pipex or Demon. --Kiand 03:24, 2 April 2006 (UTC)
Independent and still willingly pay BT money every month? And continue to act like a 12 year old all the time? Likely story. You'd better go to bed soon or your parents won't be happy, its nearly 5 O'Clock
If by some strange fluke, you're not 13, you need to fucking get a life and grow the fuck up, but as you obviously at least have the mental age of a 13 year old, I can't see that happening soon. Enjoy your hellhole, sorry, Northern Ireland. A part of the UK, and you're not going to change that. I'm going to enjoy Dublin, anyway. --Kiand 03:29, 2 April 2006 (UTC)
"Jackeens". Sorry, we make all the money in Ireland (thats the country, not the island). Northern Ireland just burns billions Britains money. Thank fuck we don't have to support you lot, I wouldn't want my tax money to be paying for you to do your GCSEs right now. --Kiand 03:33, 2 April 2006 (UTC)
You really are delusional, aren't you? Sorry. You live in Northern Ireland. Ireland is a different country. If you can't live with that, at least move here. You're living in the UK, fucking lie with it. You're not going to change that. Vandalising an encyclopedia to put forward a viewpoint that progressively less and less people subscribe to definately isn't going to change that. Go and join Ogra or something, then you might change something, albeit once you get old enough to vote. As its clear right now that you're not. --Kiand 03:39, 2 April 2006 (UTC)
No, you live in the UK, as proven by a BT Central Plus IP. Whatever you may think, you can't change that. --Kiand 03:46, 2 April 2006 (UTC)
On, not in. I can also ask for a page to be protected. --Kiand 03:54, 2 April 2006 (UTC)

In and on.

And I can also tell you that you're an asshole.