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The question I want to ask is then if they are mongolians and they settled in Hazarajat at once then why they speak persian and lost their mongolian language? why the Turkmen, Uzbeks and other even smaller group have maintained their own languages? I think the fact that they speak persian tells us a clear story. they were here long before the mongols and had mixed with other ethnic groups. I dont think that there has been a real credable DNA test of the Hazaras and DNA have not proved many historical questions around the world. they have their own accent in Persian. they not only pronounce words in their own why but gramaticaly there are differences between there use of language and others.

Hazara is the written form of Azara or Azra. if you study that how spoken form of a language tends to shorten the words you will find out that the Hazara and Azara or Azra are the same words. another example is Kandahar which is pronounced kandar, Urazgan is pronounced urozgo, Roushani is pronouced roshni.