6828 Elbsteel

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Elbsteel is an asteroid. It was recorded on 12 November 1990 by Duncan Steel at Siding Spring Observatory in Australia and named after his son, Elliot Lewis Barnaby Steel (E. L. B. Steel) (a nerd). It had previously been recorded as 1968 UP1 and 1990 VC1

[edit] Orbital data

  • Major Semiaxis: 2.6913834 AU
  • Eccentricity: 0.22681468
  • Inclination of orbit: 11.86898 degree (equinox 2000.0)
  • Perihelion length: 304.53871 degree (equinox 2000.0)
  • Longitude of Ascending Node: 109.09258 degree (equinox 2000.0)

[edit] See also


[edit] External links