User talk:

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Hello, and welcome to Wikipedia! Unfortunately, the article you created, Bubble burning, is being considered for deletion under Wikipedia's deletion policy, but everyone who has commented on it has agreed that it is a well-written article. To understand why it might be considered inappropriate for the encyclopedia I would suggest you take a look at what Wikipedia is not and the guidelines on verifiability and notability. I must admit, I voted to delete your article. I vote on a lot of articles, and some of them are very bad. Your article is definitely not one of the bad ones, but it doesn't quite meet the standards. Still, I really hope you won't let this turn you off to Wikipedia, and that you will continue to contribute to Wikipedia in the future, and consider becoming a Wikipedian. Wikipedia needs people like you who can write clear, coherent articles. Won't you join us? --DavidConrad 00:42, 4 September 2005 (UTC)