6-10 Office

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The 6-10 office (Simplified Chinese: 610 办公室) is supposedly an arm of the National Security Bureau and Public Security Bureau of China. Chen Yonglin, a Chinese diplomat who defected to Australia, claimed the agency exists and was formed on June 10, 1999. The name of the office derives from this date. A defector said the agency was established to target dissident groups.

A second Chinese defector, former policeman Hao Fengjun, supports Chen's claim[1].

[edit] Official name and mission

Its existence has not been acknowledged by the Central Chinese Government, although a number of local government bureaux have acknowledged the existence, and its mission.

Its official Chinese name was changed on September 11, 2003, to "Leading Bureau for the Prevention and Procession of Evil Cults"(防范和处理邪教问题领导小组办公室), and has a branch organisation.[2]

It is responsible for monitoring, studying and analyzing matters relating to Falun Gong, and recommending policy measures to combat Falun Gong, other "heretical cults" and "harmful qigong organisations"; promptly to notify the municipal party committee the cults' development trend, and proposing countermeasures.

[edit] Spy and informant network

The Chinese defectors have alleged that the 6-10 Office operates a large network of spies and informants across the globe, designed to gather information regarding dissident actions abroad. These alleged spies include businessmen, diplomats and students who are sent abroad. They were said to be given tasks such as infiltrating dissident groups, but also gathering business and military intelligence.[1]

It has been claimed that up to 1000 spies operate in Australia.[1] There has also been claim of an attempt to coerce an Australian tourist in Beijing into spying on dissidents.[3] The Chinese Ambassador to Australia has denied such claims.

[edit] References

  1. ^ a b c Clark, C., "Second Chinese defector backs Chen's claims", ABC Lateline, 7/6/2005.
  2. ^ "于2003年9月11日根据杭编[2003]59号文件精神,更名为中共富阳市防范和处理邪教问题领导小组办公室(简称610办公室),为中共富阳市委防 范和处理邪教问题领导小组的常设办事机构,同时设立富阳市人民政府防范和处理邪教问题办公室。中共富阳市防范和处理邪教问题领导小组办公室与富阳市人民政 府防范和处理邪教问题办公室一个机构两块牌子,挂靠中共富阳市委政法委员会,机构级格为正局(科)级。其工作职责为: 1、负责有关防范和处理“法轮功”及其他邪教和对社会有危害的气功组织问题的调查研究,分析形势,总结工作经验,提出有针对性的政策建议,为市委、市政府的决策当好参谋助手。 2、负责了解、掌握邪教发展动向,及时向市委、市政府反映防范和处理邪教问题工作中的重要情况,提出对策、措施和建议。 3、协调和指导各部门有关防范和处理邪教问题及有关反邪教的社区宣传工作。 4、负责市委、市政府有关处理法轮功及其他邪教和对社会有危害的气功组织问题的协调、指导和督查工作。 5、承担市委防范和处理邪教问题领导小组的日常工作。" 610 Bureau, Local Government of Fuyang, Zhejiang, Accessed 2008-03-28
  3. ^ China 'asked Australian' to spy on Falun Gong members, ABC Lateline, June 10, 2005