510 Spadina and 509 Harbourfront (TTC)

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A winter day on the 510
A winter day on the 510

510 Spadina and 509 Harbourfront are streetcar routes in Toronto, Ontario, Canada, operated by the Toronto Transit Commission.


[edit] History

The Harbourfront LRT, originally designated 604 Harbourfront, began service in 1990. It was the first new Toronto streetcar route in many years, and the first ever to employ a dedicated tunnel, running almost 2km from Queen's Quay north to Union TTC Station. Before the Spadina extension, tracks already existed on Spadina south of King, because otherwise the new LRT would have been disconnected from the rest of the network. When a new dedicated right-of-way opened in 1997, extending the track north along Spadina Avenue from Queen's Quay to Spadina station on the Bloor subway, the whole route was renamed 510 Spadina, replacing the 77 Spadina bus altogether. When the Queen's Quay streetcar tracks were extended west to Bathurst and Fleet Streets, a new route, the 509 Harbourfront, was added in 2000, operating between Union and Exhibition Place. The 600-series numbers were used briefly to represent rapid transit- i.e. subways, Scarborough RT and Harbourfront LRT. This practice was dropped because it was found to be misleading, as the Harbourfront LRT is not grade-separated. Now, subways and RT are referred to internally as routes 1-4, but have no route numbers on official maps. As of March 30, 2008, the final portion of route 509 to run in mixed traffic (west of Bathurst including the Fleet street loop) will have been converted to LRT operation, more than a year later than was projected.

The name ‘LRT’ (‘light-rail transit’), which had been adopted for political reasons to project an image of modernity, was dropped when it led to residents and newspaper reporters imagining elevated guideways like those of the Scarborough RT line running through their streets. It was found that the project was much easier to sell to the public and politicians when it was pitched simply as an improvement to the speed and reliability of traditional streetcar service.

The TTC’s Waterfront West project, which is currently undergoing an environmental assessment, would extend the Harbourfront line from its current western terminus at Exhibition Loop to Queen Street and Roncesvalles Avenue, where it would join the existing right-of-way along the Queensway already used by streetcars on routes 501 and 508 headed to Long Branch loop.

[edit] Effectiveness

However, independent pro-transit researchers say the switch to rail has been less beneficial than promoters had promised. They point to verified transit commission documents obtained by The Globe and Mail newspaper in the spring of 2005 that show service is now actually about two minutes slower (Queen's Quay to Bloor) than on the old No. 77. Published TTC documents also indicate that the route, which with buses was city's best economic performer and one of only seven routes turning a profit, now operates at a considerable deficit.

Transit experts point to two major problems in the line's operation: lack of traffic signal priority, and an inefficient passenger boarding system. While the line was designed to allow streetcars to have priority at all signalized intersections (which would essentially eliminate the requirement to wait for any red lights), the City of Toronto's Traffic Services department has refused to turn the system on, fearing that it will cause too much inconvenience for motorists. With the current non-priority system, streetcars are usually forced to wait for left-turning and through traffic, only to proceed and stop at the other side of the intersection, where most of the passenger platforms are located; the experts claim that this feature alone significantly increases travel times on the line. Critics also claim that the TTC's policy of only boarding passengers at the front doors forces streetcars to wait at least twice as long at each stop, particularly during rush hour. Instead of the current pay-as-you-enter system, many independent transit experts have called for a "proof of payment" system such as exists on the 501 Queen streetcar, where passengers with transit passes or transfers can board at the rear doors without presenting their pass to an operator. During the trip, passengers are subject to random fare inspections, where proof of payment (hence the name) must be presented, with fines levied on those who do not comply. Independent transit planners point to the success of such systems in most of Europe, but see much resistance from TTC planners, who are worried about the financial implications of fare evasion. Still, the TTC has taken some steps to improve boarding, such as placing inspectors at the busiest stops to allow those with passes to board at the rear doors.

Nonetheless, since turning it back into a streetcar route ridership has increased significantly. Ridership has increased from 26,000 per day to 35,000 per day to over 45,000 per day in 2005-2006[1] Streetcars on the Spadina portion run every 2-3 minutes every day.

[edit] Operation

Despite its political image as a ‘modern, rapid transit’ streetcar line, the 604 Harbourfront route was originally operated using rebuilt PCC streetcars, which were referred to as "Red Rockets" in a branding effort. These were soon replaced by Toronto's CLRV streetcars, which form the majority of the city's current fleet. There are calls for the TTC to operate ALRV (articulated, or double-length) streetcars on the line, but that is seen as being highly unlikely due to a shortage of such vehicles. The TTC's 2007-2010 capital programme contains funding provisions for the purchase of all-new light rail vehicles, such as the Bombardier Flexity or the Siemens Combino; the purchase of 204 such vehicles has been approved by the commission, and deliveries are set to begin in 2011. For more information about Toronto's streetcars, see the main article Toronto Streetcar System.

Because of the amount of shared track, the Toronto Transit Commission has grouped the 509 Harbourfront and 510 Spadina routes together for accounting and measurement purposes.

[edit] Route

A map of routes 509 and 510, with connecting 511 Bathurst.

[edit] Shared line

Most stops along the 509 and 510 routes are surface stops with islands separating the regular traffic from the streetcar tracks. Streetcars enter underground subway stations at Union and Spadina TTC stations, and a dedicated underground streetcar station at Queen's Quay-Ferry Docks.

access to Queen's Quay Terminal and Harbourfront Centre
  • Lower Simcoe Street at Queen's Quay West
access to Queen's Quay Terminal
  • Rees Street at Queen's Quay West
access to Roger's Centre and CN Tower
  • Lower Spadina Avenue at Queen's Quay West - a loop allows cars to wait

[edit] 509 Harbourfront

  • Dan Leckie Way at Queen's Quay West
  • Bathurst Street at Queen's Quay West
access to Toronto City Centre Airport and island airport ferry docks
  • Fleet Street at Bathurst Street
access to Old Fort York (east entrance) and Fort York Armouries
  • Stadium Road at Fleet Street
access to HMCS York
  • HMCS York: Fleet Street between Stadium Road and Fort York Boulevard
access to HMCS York
  • Fort York Boulevard at Fleet Street
access to Old Fort York, Fort York Armouries, Canadian National Exhibition Princes' Gates
  • Strachan Avenue at Manitoba Drive
access to Canadian National Exhibition Princes' Gates and Ricoh Coliseum

[edit] 510 Spadina

510 Spadina southbound at Harbord St.
510 Spadina southbound at Harbord St.

Unlike the stops on the old Harbourfront route, most of the Spadina stops have streetcar traffic signals, partial shelters, and railings to protect patrons from the traffic. Except late at night, 1 in 2 or 2 in 3 streetcars operate only between Spadina subway station and King Street, the busiest portion of the route.

access to University of Toronto
access to University of Toronto
access to University of Toronto
access to University of Toronto
access to Kensington Market and George Brown College
access to China Town
access to Fashion District
access to Fashion District
access to Fashion District
access to the Rogers Centre
  • Lower Spadina Avenue (Queen's Quay West & Lower Spadina Avenue)
  • Rees (Rees Street & Queen's Quay West)
access to the Rogers Centre and the CN Tower
  • Lower Simcoe (Lower Simcoe Street & Queen's Quay West)
access to Queen's Quay Terminal
  • York (York Street & Queen's Quay West)
access to Queen's Quay Terminal and Harbourfront Centre

[edit] Stops

Stops along 510 consist of a raised concrete platform with a partially covered shelter and railings along the entire boarding area. Platforms are located on the far-side of most intersections, to make room for left-turn lanes on the near side. Stops are announced automatically through the P.A. system and on the L.E.D. board (e.g. Next Stop: College Street).

[edit] References

  1. ^ http://www.lightrailnow.org/news/n_newslog001.htm, http://www.toronto.ca/ttc/pdf/ridership_cost_stats_bus_streetcar_05_06.pdf

[edit] See also