? (bistro)

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Famous ? on King Peter Street
Famous ? on King Peter Street

? is Belgrade's oldest traditional restaurant or tavern (kafana). Located in Kralja Petra Street (formerly July 7th Street), the building along with a bistro is nearly 200 years old, and as such has become one of the city's landmarks. The cuisine served is traditional, and starogradska music is played.

The bistro was owned by Ivan Pavlović, but communist Yugoslav authorities nationalized the property in 1959.

In 2005, Serbian authorities announced their intention to privatize ?, but after strong resistance both from the tavern's employees, as well as from various public figures (mostly journalists who frequent the bistro) and even some civil groups, the Government of Serbia finally decided in February 2007 to exempt the restaurant from the privatization process. Exactly 2,563 individuals signed a petition that called for the privatization to be stopped.[1]

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