3/8 Kay Tse

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3/8 is the 4th studio album by Kay Tse, released on December 14, 2007. It contains 3 new songs and 15 of her greatest hits .

Studio album by Kay Tse
Released December 14, 2007
Genre Pop/Rock/Jazz
Label Cinepoly

[edit] Track listing

[edit] 3/8

  1. 3/8
  2. 鍾無艷
  3. 神奇女俠的退休生活
  4. 姿色份子
  5. 喪婆
  6. 我歌... 故我在
  7. 開卷快樂
  8. 悟入歧途
  9. 臭男人
  10. 塑膠玫瑰
  11. 一人之夏
  12. 跟我走
  13. 菲情歌
  14. 愁人節
  15. 亡命之途
  16. 我愛茶餐廳
  17. 滄海遺珠 (劉浩龍合唱)
  18. 亡命之途 (4am Electro Mix)