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Introduced 1990
TLD type Country code top-level domain
Status Active
Registry Hong Kong Domain Name Registration Company
Sponsor University of Hong Kong
Intended use Entities connected with Hong Kong
Actual use Popular in Hong Kong
Registration restrictions Second-level registrations open to all but require citing an identity document; third-level registrations have varying rules depending on which second-level name they are beneath
Structure Registrations permitted at second level and at third level beneath various second-level labels
Documents Rules for .hk domains and subdomains
Dispute policies Dispute resolution policy
Website Hong Kong Domain Name Registration Company

.hk is the Internet country code top-level domain (ccTLD) for Hong Kong. It was created in 1990.

Until 2004 there were very few second-level domains under .hk, as it was normally only possible to register third-level domains. The following are the main third-level domains:

.com.hk - commercial entity
.edu.hk - educational institutions
.gov.hk - government
.idv.hk - individuals
.net.hk - network service providers
.org.hk - non-profit organizations

and for historical reasons, the following institutes are registered as second-level domains:

.cuhk.hk - Chinese University of Hong Kong (later changed to .cuhk.edu.hk),
.hku.hk - The University of Hong Kong,
.ust.hk - The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology,

However, as of 2004 it became possible to register second-level .hk domains, so these will soon become common.

[edit] See also

[edit] External links