User:21655/the Beef Flinger

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This is a confusing, nonsensical, ridiculous stream of rambling. Editors are not obliged to read it, unless they want to, in which case it's fine by me.

Harvest your earwax using this page as needed, or make fun of it on the talk page.

1998 invasion of Siberia
Part of Gwärfmonger's War

Behold, a kung-fu watermelon. They are used for crushing lollipops into tiny pieces so people who don't use dentures can eat them.
Date April 42, 1998
Location Siberia
Result Both shave their earlobes and go home.
Lightning from eagles' elbows destroy the battlefield.
Army of Disgruntled Goats Siberian Army of Portable Mohawks
Hurgwarmann E. Beef A sack of cat barf
81,000 string beans A sack of cat barf
Casualties and losses
2,398 sucked into black hole, only to reappear in Florida 1 wounded (sack left with a bruise)
Six years later, a crane stole my shoulder. I was very annoyed. Very, very annoyed. The year after, I won it back in a game of Go Fish.

The 1998 invasion of Siberia occurred in April 42, when the Army of Disgruntled Goats led 81,000 potato-cannon-wielding string beans to the Moon after Siberia refused to ship 698 metric tons of rubber ducks to Rio de Janeiro for unknown purposes.

This occurrence marks the New Age of Watermelons, due to the Law of Rotten Beef, which clearly states: beef+4=\sqrt{marmalade}^2-yak beards

...therefore turning outer space into butter.


[edit] Bärf

Jungle cats have long been an enemy of the Fo' Schwarztel Club—a club dedicated to spreading the art of Can't sleep, clown will eat me throughout the world—for the main reason that the God of Rock character in Guitar Hero III looks too much like the SpongeBob SquarePants character King Neptune. This is also the casus belli for the War on Brain-Dead Social Networking, waged between Tom Anderson's minions—all MySpace users—and the remainder of Earth's population.

Therefore, nihilistic Hungarian scientists have researched and developed a new type of twist-off toothpaste cap, thus reducing corny one-liners by 3.55%—a reduction of wheaty one-liners is projected in 2018. However, maniacal carbohydrate beasts have been indicted with charges of illegally transporting radioactive earwax to the Pacific Ocean, which prides itself on being a radioactive-earwax-free zone.

[edit] Tëchnïcölör Ÿödël

In completely unrelated news, Fergie has somehow made it illegal to have an IQ above 70, therefore making all Harmonix and Apple, Inc. employees, Christopher Paolini, members of Disturbed and Kamelot, and all good-faith Wikipedia editors outlaws.

[edit] Pävëmënt Pïzzä

  • Flag of Russia Siberia, in response to the invasion, condemned said invasion as "a needless waste of perfectly good macaroni", to which the Army of Disgruntled Goats responded, "We have no intention of stealing your ferromagnetic nose hairs! Remember that yak from Wall Street? He wasn't chewing gum without reason!" It is doubtful that Siberia will attempt to make sense out of this ludicrous statement, for my steel yak has grown extra legs and swum to Australia.
  • Flag of the United States United States has no comment at this time.
  • Flag of the United Kingdom United Kingdom is too busy with the economy to worry about Russia. And anyway, Brown willnae dae nothing aboot it. (added by WBOSITG)
  • Flag of the United Nations United Nations likes pie.

[edit] Psÿchëdëlïc Scrëäm

 Fried Chicken: The Revenge of General Goueiowert
Publication Score
GameSpot 7.5
IGN pie
Compilations of multiple reviews
Compiler Score
Metacritic 69
GameSpy's Cheesestick Award

However, critic response has been lukewarm compared to its prequel, Lollipops in Space. IGN gave it a pie/10, criticizing its "middling cherry-topped sundaes and discombobulated beard monkeys."[1] GameSpot praised its ability to trim the user's nose hairs telekinetically, but noted the lack of a buffalo earwax generator. GameSpy was "impressed by its liverwurst punch lines, but soured by its non-negotiable yak beard."

On Metacritic, it rates as 69, but this is mainly due to the Second Law of Rotten Beef, stating: \frac{beef}{carbonation}=volcanic mutant toads

[edit] Täcö Spëw

Controversy arised following the incident in Michigan, when the dog defecated on the lawn and then some kid stepped in it and tracked it all over his house's carpet. The dog's owner was then arraigned with charges of littering and was sentenced to 41.5 hours of having his nose picked by a wheat farmer.

[edit] Cäll för thë Läwn Tïgërs

  1. ^ That doesn't really come from anywhere, in case you're wondering.

[edit] Äböüt thë Äuthör

In that it is in his userspace, 21655 has the right to claim all creative credit here. However, he is forced to abide by the GFDL and license this ridiculous content as such, however doubtful he is of the fact that anyone might use this.

Also, 21655 did have some help from his friend Jeff "Jeef"/"The Liver Monster" S., and the myriad users whose edits are in the page history.