20 ans, barakat!

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20 ans, barakat! (20 years is enough!) is a movement in France and Algeria founded in 2003 to overturn the Algerian Family Code in force since June 1984.

They consider this code to contradict the legal equality between women and men proclaimed in Article 29 of the Algerian constitution, institutionalizing what they call second-class citizenship for women and leading to discrimination and injustices against them.

It includes the following organizations:

  • In Algeria: Tharwa Fadhma n’Soumeur, Association SOS Femmes en Détresse, Association Volonté Initiative et Engagement, Association Défense et Promotion des Droits des Femmes, Associatiation Indépendante pour le Triomphe des Droits des Femmes.
  • In France: Association 20 ans Barakat, New Ways, Un livre une vie, Coordination 8 Mars.

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