1632 writers

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1632 series creator and manager of canon, Eric Flint.
1632 series creator and manager of canon, Eric Flint.


This is a list of writers who have contributed to the books in print published in the 1632 series (Ring of Fire series) thus far. Most are contributors to the two anthologies series canonically associated with the collaboratively written shared universe— either the Ring of Fire books or the The Grantville Gazettes, and collectively the larger body of work compared to the long fiction. It must be understood that sometime in 2005–2006 the short fiction in the series became the predominant text source in the canon, and most of it was written by the experienced professionals doing most of the research and hammering out likely technical developments on the web forum 1632 Tech.

This list of authors and their contributions, fact or fiction, is far from complete as of the end of May 2008. Many of the writers herein were new to the trade, submitting their first stories to the early experimental e-magazine, The Grantville Gazettes, before it became a professional magazine. The submittal system and peer review process on the web forum Baen's Bar put into place for the Gazettes was copied for the ezine launch of Jim Baen's Universe, and both continue today.

The "experiments" were successful, as the current volumes are now being produced as a professional magazine at the rate of one issue every two months, each of them book length, and paying slightly better than industry standard rates compared to paper magazines. The Gazettes are available as ebooks or via subscription using its own dedicated website grantvillegazette.com As of June 2008, the first four volumes of the Gazettes have been published by Baen Books in print versions as well as the e-zine and ebook. The second Ring of Fire II book came out in January 2008, and Baen's Bar carried an announcement in early May 2008 that submissions for a third Ring of Fire collection were being accepted.

[edit] Writers and contributions

[edit] Allen, Deann

"American Past Time" by Deann Allen and Mike Turner

[edit] Bergstralh, Karen

Karen Bergstralh is a member of the 1632 Research Committee and had as her first fiction forays "One Man’s Junk" in Grantville Gazette IV and "Of Masters And Men" in Grantville Gazette V, both of which focused on down-timers canny adaptability to opportunities presented by knowledge brought by the Grantvilleers, but also had contributed non-fiction canonical essays on 1632-verse technology in both Grantville Gazette I and Grantville Gazette III .

Series short story contributions:

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[edit] Boatright, Rick

Rick Boatright is a key member of the 1632 Research Committee and runs both Eric Flint's personal website and that of www.1632.org. He has been publicly credited by Flint for providing the radio-electric and electromagnetic research upon which Flint and Weber have relied in plotting 1633 and 1634: The Baltic War.

Series short story contributions:

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[edit] Breivik, Aamund

Aamund Breivik, grew up in the northern Norwegian countryside, north of the Arctic Circle and joined the Norwegian army as an infantry assault pioneer instead of attending rocket engineering school. Aamund consequently went to Bosnia as a peacekeeper, but eventually left the military in disgust after the great downsizing. After a spell doing odd jobs for a while, he got accepted into the Norwegian National Police Academy and is currently happy as a police officer, despite the lousy hours. He claims he has too many hobbies to really pursue any of them in any meaningful way and that his wild imagination occasionally borders on insanity so that "the fictional people in my head will sometimes force me to write stories to make them shut up."

[edit] Boyes, Walt

"A Witch to Live" by Walt Boyes

[edit] Carrico, David

Contributions by David Carrico: Series short story contributions:

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[edit] Carroll, Jack

Contributions by Jack Carroll: Series short story contributions:

Jack Carroll is a semi-retired electronics engineer with experience in industrial and medical electronics, an occasional beta tester for Debian Linux, and a U.S. Air Force Veteran (1965-1969) [1] [2], In addition to writing for the Grantville Gazette, he has published several songs in the NESFA Hymnal, Volume 2 [3].

[edit] Clark, Andrew

Andrew Clark has not contributed fiction to the 1632-verse, but has written a pair of essays about chemistry and metallurgy as if written by a down-timer.[2]

Non-fiction by Andrew Clark:

[edit] Clavell, Jose

Jose Clavell broke into the 1632 series with the martial tale "Magdeburg Marines" in Grantville Gazette IV .

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[edit] Cresswell-Jones, Jonathan

"When the Chips are Down" in Ring of Fire by Jonathan Cresswell-Jones and Scott Washburn
"Malungu Seed" in Ring of Fire II
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[edit] DeMarce, Virginia

Main article: Virginia DeMarce

NOTE: 1634: The Ram Rebellion is published as a novel, as the various parts and short stories within have an overarching plot, that comes together with the title novel at its end. Paula Goodlett and Eric Flint also contributed short stories to its content, as did a few other authors listed as "et al."
Series contributions published before 2007:
Additional accredited contributions:

[edit] Dennis, Andrew

  • Andrew Dennis has written several short stories for the series including the influential "Between the Armies" which introduces the Southern Europe Thread and the historical figure Mazarini. Dennis has co-authored with Flint the two sequels set in the Southern Europe thread: 1634: The Galileo Affair and 1635: The Cannon Law, and at least one more is planned in that set.

[edit] Donahue, Greg

"Skeletons" by Greg Donahue

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[edit] Dorsett, Jody

  • Jody Dorsett has written the short story "The three R's" in Ring of Fire, which introduces the historical figure Comenius and a different wrinkle on religious persecutions, as well as possibly foreshadowing further events in Poland and beyond, in the anticipated Eastern European thread.

Series short story contributions:

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[edit] Dennis, Andrew

The Ring of Fire story "Between the Armies" by Andrew Dennis sets up the South European thread and introduces the historic figure Mazarini, his background, the papal states and some of their politics and problems in the 17th century, and several key Grantvillers who bear large historical burdens in conveying the background history in the southern thread, Catholic priest Father Lawrence Mazarre and the Methodist minister the Reverend Simon Jones.

Series short story contributions:

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[edit] Ewing, Danita

Danita Lee Ewing's well plotted story "An Invisible War" is really a short novel and spanned the second two electronic Gazettes—though the whole was published in the hardcover release of Grantville Gazette II . The tale is very important as canonical background being set mostly in 1633 after Grantville has had time to settle-in a bit and can look beyond immediate survival issues. It deals with public health and integration of medical knowledge efforts during the late Confederated Principalities of Europe and early United States of Europe (USE) period—of Grantville's medical personnel meeting head-on with down-timer University practices, prejudices and a college curricula based in large part on the Classics and Theological studies. By then, the town has established the Lahey Clinic hospital near the Grantville High School and reaches out to the faculty of the University of Jena, who is miffed at having been ignored so long, as they see it. Unfortunately, the only spareable medical manpower to head up a joint college of medicine are... women! Series short story contributions:

* Both parts published unserialized in the hardcover release Grantville Gazette II .

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[edit] Flint, Eric

Main article: Eric Flint
  • Eric Flint—Universe creator, principle author, keeper of the canon, and the Series Editor. Flint keeps total control of the universe via the resources at 1632.org and the 1632 Editorial Board process. After the death of Jim Baen, Flint created the professional rate paying ezine grantvillegazette.com

Series short story contributions:

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[edit] Freer, Dave

Dave Freer is another regular science fiction writer in Baen's stable of writers and contributed "A Lineman For the Country" which introduces three characters that play a role in the Eastern European thread as one of several prequels in Ring of Fire to Flint's Novelette "The Wallenstein Gambit".

Series short story contributions:

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[edit] Huff, Gorg

  • Gorg Huff is a Texas citizen that has enthusiastically helped in researching the series background, written numerous stories for the Grantville Gazettes, and Contributed both maps and drawings to 1634: The Bavarian Crisis. Gorg principally writes as part of a team with Paula Goodlett.

Series short story contributions:

  • "Birdie's Farm"
  • "Birdie's Village"
  Co-authored with Paula Goodlett
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[edit] Goodlett, Paula

  • Paula Goodlett retired from the military as a non-commissioned officer in the early nineties, and broke her leg in 2003 which led to her browsing Baen's Bar least she become bored in her enforced inactivity. Captivated by the 1632 universe concept, she began as a replacement special assistant to Eric Flint, when his former assistant had to quit for personal reasons. She eventually wrote a large important sequence of the storyline in 1634: The Ram Rebellion, wherein she invented the Ram which figures in the local revolution in a big way, though the Ram stories were mainly begun as a in-joke among the bar flies on 1632 Tech Manual. Further, as of Grantville Gazette, volume 4, Paula was named assistant editor, and as of Issue 8, Paula was named as Editor of the Grantville Gazettes, which have come out in e-zine format or e-books with much better regularity since. She is editor for the e-books subject to review by Flint, who maintains creative control of the story lines and series canon. Paula keeps an eye on 1632 Slush, and when a story has matured, is the person who nominates it to the 1632 Editorial Board, for which she has the role of Chairman. Additionally, Paula is assistant editor of the e-zine Jim Baen's Universe, and is in charge of the team of slush readers who screen every story sumbitted to the magazine. Paula, for her own reasons, mainly writes in tandem with Gorg Huff.

Series short story contributions:

  • "Birdie's Farm"
  • "Birdie's Village"
  Co-authored with Gorg Huff
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[edit] Gottlief, Robert

Robert Gottlief is another professional attracted to the detailed neohistory and a member of the 1632 Research Committee and frequenter of the 1632 Tech Manual website. Series short story contributions:

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[edit] Grantville Firearms Roundtable

The Firearms Roundtable, a sub-committee of the 1632 Research Committee is an officially designated group of Baen Barflies who are gun affectionatos that have advised Flint and Weber in likely possibilities and technical issues concerning developing producible firearms as the 1632 neohistory progresses given the 1632-verse 17th century tech base. The panel members sometime write in smaller groups, and sometimes as a group, albeit with some good natured disagreement (e.g. Consider the full title of "How to build a Machine gun in 1634" which is "How to build a Machine gun in 1634 with available technology: Two alternate views").

The round table's known members are:

Leonard Hollar Bob Hollingsworth
Tom Van Natta John Zeek

Fact article contributions:

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[edit] Hollar, Leonard

Grantville Gazette II , by Leonard Hollar appears in Grantville Gazette II and as a gun buff and member of the 1632 Research Committee, he co-wrote the non-fictional treatise on 1632-verse firearms "Flint's Lock" with three others, Bob Hollingsworth, Tom Van Natta, and John Zeek. Series short story contributions:

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[edit] Hollingsworth, Bob

Hollingsworth is a gun buff, he co-wrote the non-fictional treatise on 1632-verse firearms "Flint's Lock" with three others on the 1632 Research Committee— Leonard Hollar, Tom Van Natta, and John Zeek. Series short story contributions:

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[edit] Hughes, Wood

Wood Hughes wrote about the monks who became fire eaters in Grantville Gazette III in Grantville Gazette III .

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[edit] Lackey, Mercedes

Mercedes Lackey is a veteran science-fiction and fantasy writer that joined the shared universe collaboration in Ring of Fire and her contribution has had far reaching implications to the series canons. As creator of The Stone Family, she spawned two major characters the recidivist hippie Tom "Stoner" Stone and his son Frank Stone who in part, anchor the Southern European thread.

Series short story contributions:

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[edit] Lutz, Ernest

Series short story contributions:

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[edit] Jones, Loren

  • Loren Jones wrote the poignant story "Anna's Tale" in Grantville Gazette I , which nearly made the cut into Ring of Fire , but Flint ran out of space, and instead placed the emotive but lesser emotional treatment detailing what happened in Grantville's electric power plant immediately after the Ring of Fire .

Series short story contributions:

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[edit] Mackay, Kim

Born 9/10/51 in Minneapolis, Minnesota. Parents were teachers. Spent early life in Carmel Valley, California. At age 10 moved to southern Peru where parents worked in schools run by SPCC, Southern Peru Copper Corporation. Lived a year in Ilo, Peru and a year in Toquepala. Moved in 1963 to San Tome, Venezuela for two years. In 1965 moved to Thessaloniki, Greece living there for three years and traveled around Europe and Middle East including Russia, Egypt, Jordan, and Lebanon. Moved to Kabul, Afghanistan for a year in 1968 before accepting appointment to West Point.

Spent two years at West Point before leaving and moving to Fairbanks, Alaska. Graduated from University of Alaska in 1974 with a degree in Natural Resources Management. Worked four years on Trans Alaska Pipeline as a security guard, weather observer, secretary, plumber, pipefitter, and welder. Left Alaska in 1978 and moved to Eugene, Oregon. Various odd jobs there. Received teaching certificate from University of Oregon in 1987. Worked as a math teacher in Metlakatla, Alaska for three years.

In 1990 with wife Melodie and son Patrick moved to Valdez, Alaska and have worked at Valdez High School since that time.[3]

Series short story contributions:

[edit] Musch, Eva

Eva Musch wrote the tale "If the Demons Will Sleep" in Grantville Gazette III.

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[edit] Offord, Karen

Kerryn Offord is a member of the 1632 Research Committee, and like Karen Berstralh had her first fiction "The Class of ’34" published in Grantville Gazette IV .

Series short story contributions:

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[edit] Pedersen, Anette M.

Series short story contributions:

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[edit] Racciato, Chris

"Burmashave" by Chris Racciato...

"A Taste of Home"

Series short story contributions:

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[edit] Runkle, Laura

Laura Runkle...

Series short story contributions:

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[edit] Spehar, Mike

  • Mike Spehar — has yet to make an appearance as a co-writer or in short print published fiction, but is supposed to write a book with Flint set in the Eastern Europe thread, a direct sequel to "The Wallenstein Gambit" and 1634: The Bavarian Crisis (published October 1st, 2007) called 1635: Soldier of Bohemia (former working title "1635: The King of Bohemia") in various chat mentions).[4] However, Flint has credited him with writing the first drafts of several chapters in 1633 and 1634: The Baltic War dealing with flying matters. He has a story called "Collateral Damage" in the delayed Grantville Gazette IV, which is available for e-reading, detailing an air raid on Paris to send a message from Mike Stearns direct to Cardinal Richelieu about what he thinks of the League of Ostend.
Spehar was tuckerized in The Bavarian Crisis, as an (offstage) minor French diplomat, "who rejoiced in the rather excessive name Michel l'Esclavon, duc d'Espehar, marquis de Choses-sans-Valuer, vicomte de Lavion, seigneur de l'Haleur, chevalier Sanscourage de Contre-Ours".[5]

Series short story contributions:

[edit] Toro, Enrico

Enrico M. Toro contributed the serialized Euterpe stories to various Gazettes, as well as non-fiction.

Series short story contributions:

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[edit] Turner, Francis

Francis Turner is evidently very well educated and quite brainy for she wrote both Grantville Gazette III in {GG03|o}}, which is set in a college at Oxford, England and has a plot which turns on some fairly intricate relationships that are quite erudite and involve the several languages of learning of the day. The essay in Grantville Gazette VI considers the difficulties down-timers will encounter attempting to translate written materials obtained from Grantville. To give you one of the least erudite (and humorous, of which there are a fair number) examples, she writes:

     A more complex example of a phrase that we take for granted is that "something is the last straw" (see below for where I used it). This phrase "the last straw" is an excellent example of a phrase that will be utterly incomprehensible to a down-timer. In seventeenth- century English there was an expression "'Tis the last feather that breaks the horse's back" which has since dropped out of use, replaced by "The straw that broke the camel's back" once the latter was coined by Charles Dickens.
     Dickens' expression has then been then shortened because everyone knows about the camel to being just "the last straw." A seventeenth-century native English speaker might be sufficiently smart to figure out that where they talked about the last feather, twentieth-century English talked about the last straw but I'd be surprised. A seventeenth-century nonnative English speaker is going to look at the phrase, understand every word, and still have no idea what it refers to. Indeed it is quite possible that such a speaker, if he knows about shoemaking will wonder if "last straw" is straw for making lasts (i.e. molds of people's feet) and wonder why twentieth-century Americans used straw when in the seventeenth century they use wood.

Series short story contributions:

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[edit] Turner, Mike

"American Past Time" by Deann Allen and Mike Turner

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[edit] Van Natta, Tom

Tom Van Natta's first tale is set immediately after the Ring of Fire and deals with outlaws, guns and the mental health and adjustments of an cantankerous Vietnam Veteran, Paul Santee and the maturation of Eddie Cantrell. Van Natta is a gun buff and a member of the 1632 Research Committee for which he co-wrote the non-fictional treatise on 1632-verse firearms "Flint's Lock" with three others, Leonard Hollar, Bob Hollingsworth, and John Zeek. Series short story contributions:

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[edit] Viehl, S. L.

"A Matter of Consultation" by veteran science fiction S. L. Viehl expands on the character Sharon Nichols created by Flint, who becomes one of the lead characters in both 1633 and the South European thread's two novels, 1634: The Galileo Affair and 1635: The Cannon Law. In "A Matter of Consultation" Viehl also introduces the nurse Ann Jefferson whom Flint makes into a American poster girl of sorts in his purpose written short stories in each of the Grantville Gazettes I , II and III where she is caught up in the siege of Amsterdam and ends up as the subject of many famous down-time artists starting with Peter Paul Rubens[4] and including Rembrandt, who is a virtual unknown at the time. Viehl has Nichol's and Jefferson face off against Dr. William Harvey, the "discoverer" of the circulatory system, and the two nurses "give him some pointers", including a dressing down. Concurrently, Anne Jefferson meets her future husband, diplomat and mathematician Adam Olearius[5].

[edit] Washburn, Scott

Ring of Fire with Jonathan Cresswell

[edit] Weber, Christopher James

Christopher James Weber is the older brother of David Weber and contributed the story "The Company Men" in Grantville Gazette II .

[edit] Weber, David

  • David WeberMain thread co-author, and big name listed as first author of the first novel sequel, 1633, for early marketing expansion since he has a large following from his various best sellers. At the time, Flint had won honors and was a relatively new writer at Baen's and still building a following, having only published three or four works at that juncture (2000). Weber's contribution were to the writing and research of the main plot line thread, and the 5 delay in the publication of the long awaited sequel 1634: The Baltic War (May 2007), which is really the second half of the already large 1633 book as outlined by Flint was due to the inability of the two busy authors to synchronize schedules earlier (despite two tries which failed for one reason or another) than they achieved. John Ringo has experienced similar scheduling issues with the contracted for sequels of the Empire of Man series between he and Weber.

    This delayed the series as a whole and required holding up several dependent sequels, and "stepping-carefully-around-issues" in other main books published sooner in the series. Consequently, similar scheduling concerns have the last three of the novels he's contracted for rethought to become a new plot thread, a "naval sequence" in Flint's words, which will not impact the scheduling of subsequent (continental) books settings and plot lines of the series. This may involve Flint's announced return to the British Isles with Alex and Julie Mackay as the chief protagonists, along with Oliver Cromwell.

1632 Series contributions;
     Novels and short fiction:

An important story, establishes cannon for Naval activities and rehabilitates John Chandler Simpson, who'd been demonized by Flint in 1632.

[edit] Wentworth, K. D.

K. D. Wentworth is a professional science fiction and fantasy writer whose "Here Comes Santa Claus" together with Andrew Dennis's "A lineman for the Country" sets the table for Flint's novelette "The Wallenstein Gambit" . The three together begin the Eastern European thread, which will see its first (long delayed by 1634: The Baltic War) novel 1635: Soldier of Bohemia by mid-2008.

Series short story contributions:

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[edit] Zeek, John

John Zeek wrote about the darker side of society in "Bottom-Feeders" (Grantville Gazette IV ) and is co-author of "Elizabeth" in Grantville Gazette IV . John Zeek is also a gun buff and a member of the 1632 Research Committee; he co-wrote the non-fictional treatise on 1632-verse firearms "Flint's Lock" with three others, Leonard Hollar, Bob Hollingsworth, and Tom Van Natta.

Series short story contributions:

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[edit] Notes and references

  1. ^ Aamund_Breivik biography page @1632.org. Retrieved on 2008-01-06. “See Grantville Gazette, Volume 10 at http://www.grantvillegazette.com”
  2. ^ {{subst:Cite webGG|authors|Andrew Clark}}
  3. ^ grantvillegazettes.com author's biography. Retrieved on 2008-05-20.
  4. ^ A Chat with Eric Flint (blog Published May 04, 2005). Retrieved on 2007-10-04. “Finally, I have a contract to do what amounts to a sequel to my short novel "The Wallenstein Gambit" (which appeared in 1632 series (also known as 'Ring of Fire series')). The title of it is 1635: Soldier of Bohemia, and I'm co-authoring it with Mike Spehar.”
  5. ^ 1634: The Bavarian Crisis, p. 663.

[edit] External links

[edit] Books in the series