15947 Milligan

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Discovery and designation
Discovered by J. Broughton
Discovery site Reedy Creek Observatory
Discovery date January 2, 1998
MPC designation 15947
Alternative names[1] 1998 AL10
Epoch May 14, 2008
Ap 2.9239563
Peri 2.1249145
Eccentricity 0.1582615
Orbital period 1465.0242551
Mean anomaly 260.33640
Inclination 4.92906
Longitude of ascending node 141.64517
Argument of peri 264.82212
Absolute magnitude 14.8

15947 Milligan (1998 AL10) is a Main-belt Asteroid discovered on January 2, 1998 by J. Broughton at Reedy Creek Observatory.

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