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10eastern is a website known for its 'Drawings Boards' and its 'Found Photos' project.


[edit] Found Photos

The Found Photos project was started in March of 2004 when it was discovered that personal photos could be found by searching with a p2p filesharing program (mostly used to share music and video). The website displays "... pictures that will make you smile or display interesting photography" [1] and is very selective.

[edit] Drawings Boards

The 'Drawrings' Boards were started in the spring of 2004, with the use of a java applet (Oekaki BBS ver.1.31) that lets you draw (much like MS Paint) and display your image results with a comment. It also lets other people comment on your image.

The most popular board is the "Anything Drawrings Board" which, as of January 2007, has over 15.000 drawings.

The other drawing board are themed and include :

  • Anything Midnight - night time theme
  • Anything Temp - drawings done after the hacker attack when everything else was down.
  • Collab! - a board that allows for collaborative drawings.
  • Green Door Alley - drawings drawn by the user 'sheep' which describe a story (with drawings and text). Your comments "help decide the aktion."
  • Topic Attack - drawings based around one topic.

Boards that archive drawings include :

  • Make Draw Gallery - images from various gallery shows where drawings have been printed out and displayed.
  • Collective Journal Scans - scans from the 10eastern journal that is being sent around the world.
  • Drawr Galleries - galleries from specific users and themes.

[edit] References

Hernandez, Benjamin. "Sketchy Characters…", Metro Times, 2006-08-16. Retrieved on 2006-10-13. 

[edit] External links

by Benjamin Hernandez 8/16/2006