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Engines Shadowrun
Genre Comic fantasy
Running time 20 min.
Created by Rooster Teeth Productions
Releases June 7, 2007July 4, 2007
Formats WMV, QuickTime, Flash
Number of episodes 4

1-800-Magic is a 2007 machinima miniseries from Rooster Teeth Productions,[1] the creators of Red vs. Blue. Using the machinima process of adding new sound and dialog to video game footage, the series is made using Shadowrun, a game for the Microsoft Xbox 360 and Windows Vista platforms.[2]


[edit] Summary

[edit] Episode 1

A team of two humans and an elf engages in a firefight against a team of four trolls. One soldier (Michael Bidderman) finds that his gun has jammed. He calls a tech support hotline for help, but grows more frustrated when his instructions seem impractical during battle. Meanwhile, the troll warriors question why their boss refuses to acknowledge any of their success, instead merely reminding them not to fail their mission. Once Bidderman's gun is fixed, he storms into the battle, but disappears in a flash, to which the creatures marvel at it having "happened again," prompting one of them to claim to be "magical" and "The One."

[edit] Episode 2

Bidderman finds himself in a weird landscape, where he has a conversation with a talking tree named Frank, who informs him that he is "the One" and has "the Magic," despite Bidderman's insistence that there's no such thing as magic. After he says magic doesn't exist, Frank makes a good point that he's "talking to a glowing tree". Frank then informs Bidderman that he's "on the wrong side." Abruptly, Bidderman is teleported back into the firefight, but finds himself teleporting around uncontrollably. Bidderman's two teammates, meanwhile, are quickly demoralized and wish to retreat. Beakman, the creature who had earlier claimed to be "the One," steps forward and taunts them, but is suddenly shot in the head by Bidderman. Bidderman proclaims his victory, but once again involuntarily teleports away.

[edit] Episode 3

One of Bidderman's teammates argues with the hotline operator; the operator insists that magic doesn't exist, and claims Bidderman didn't teleport, but instead experienced some "minor lag in the system;" he then accidentally refers to the incident as teleporting before telling them not to allow Bidderman to rejoin their team. Meanwhile, Bidderman arrives back in front of Frank, who explains that Beakman was supposed to guide him through the process of magic. Bidderman sheepishly admits that he just killed Beakman; an upset Frank tells Bidderman that he'll have to figure it out on his own now, then teleports him back to Beakman's team. The trolls demand proof of Bidderman's powers before accepting him, and he spawns a blue, ghost-like monster which proceeds to attack one of them.

[edit] Episode 4

The blue monster continues to assault Steve, the troll with the chaingun. Bidderman attempts to fix the problem with his powers, but only ends up making things worse by summoning jagged crystals that start burning the other two trolls. Bidderman again uses his powers, and ends up accidentally resurrecting Beakman. After witnessing the mayhem Bidderman is causing with his powers, Beakman tells him he should probably just go back to the other side. Frank appears, and agrees with Beakman's assessment. When Bidderman protests his dismissal, Frank gives him a number, "1-800-MAGIC", to use if he ever needs help and has nowhere else left to turn. Bidderman attempts to rejoin his teammates, but they refuse to accept him because he is magical, especially after he accidentally turns himself into smoke. Meanwhile, Johnson (Bidderman's elf teammate) disappears, and finds himself in front of Frank, who tells him that he is "magical" and "the One". With nowhere left to turn, Bidderman calls 1-800-MAGIC, only to get a "Spell Support" hotline.

[edit] Characters

[edit] Michael Bidderman

Bidderman is "the one" whose essence is strong and has the ability to control magic. He wields an HH-45 rifle. After he is transported suddenly in the middle of a firefight, Frank informs Bidderman that he is on the wrong team. Bidderman doesn't realise this until after he kills Beakman, who was supposed to be his mentor. So far Bidderman has limited control of the magic, and he can only teleport, summon crystals, summon monsters, turn into smoke, and resurrect dead people.

[edit] Frank

Frank is a glowing magical talking tree who seems to be guiding Bidderman with his magic abilities. Frank is quick to anger and annoyance.

[edit] Johnson

Johnson is a garrulous and skittish elf with facial tattoos who claims that magic smells like bacon. At the end of episode 4 Frank informs him that "he" is "the one".

[edit] Hullkum

  • Voice actor: Nathan Zellner

Bidderman's third ally, a human who wears body armour.

[edit] Dombrowski

Dombrowski works at the tech support department dealing with weapons and system related issues, such as lag.

[edit] Beakman

Beakman was one of the Trolls fighting against the other side. First assuming himself as "the one", he and his fellow comrades were taunting Johnson and Hullkum, until he was unexpectedly shot in the head by Bidderman. Later when Frank hears of Beakman's death he tells Bidderman that Beakman had been intended to be Bidderman's teacher. He was a father of three young Trolls and held charity auctions every Spring for an unknown amount of time. In episode 4 he was accidentally brought back to life by Bidderman.

[edit] Steve

He is best known as the Troll with the minigun. There is speculation as to whether Steve is the leader of the group. When Bidderman first disappeared, he was the first one to speculate Beakman as "the one" ever since he said,"He did it again". When it comes to comparing who's on who's side, he gets a little touchy as he overlooks it as racism. He was mauled by a blue "magical" creature summoned by Bidderman, to prove that Bidderman was "the one" to help them.

[edit] References

  1. ^ 1-800-Magic Video Archive. magic.roosterteeth.com. Rooster Teeth Productions. Retrieved on 2007-06-07.
  2. ^ Dreger, David (June 7, 2007). Rooster Teeth Shadowrun machinima, Fan Site kit surface. Xboxfanboy.com. Joystiq. Retrieved on 2007-06-07.

[edit] External links