Šarūnas Raudys

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Šarūnas Raudys is head of Data Analysis Department at Institute of Mathematics and Informatics in Vilnius, Lithuania. Within the Department He is guiding the data mining and artificial neural networks group. His group's research interests include multivariate analysis, statistical pattern recognition, artificial neural networks, data mining methods and biological information processing systems with applications to analysis of technological, economical and biological problems.

[edit] Education

  • USSR Doctor of Sciences, Institute of Electronics and Computer science, Riga,1978.
  • Ph.D. Computer science, Institute Physics and Mathematics, 1969.
  • M.S. Electrical and Computer Engineering, Kaunas University of Technology, 1963.
  • Panevezys, the first secondary school, 1958.

[edit] Writings:Books

  • S. Raudys. (B2001 ) Statistical and Neural Classifiers: An integrated approach to design. Springer. London. 312 pages.
  • S. Raudys. (B1984) Statistical Pattern Recognition: Small design sample problems. A monograph, (a manuscript ) Institute of Mathematics and Cybernetics, Vilnius, 480 pages, 30 copies distributed around the world.
  • S. Raudys. (B1976) Limitation of Sample Size in Classification Problems, Inst. of Physics and Mathematics Press, Vilnius. 186 pages.

[edit] Writings:Book Chapters

  • S.Raudys and Jain K. (1991a). Small sample size problems in designing Artificial Neural Networks. - Artificial Neural Networks and Statistical Pattern Recognition, Old and New Connections, I.K. Sethi and A.K. Jain (Eds), Elsevier Science Publishers B.V, 33-50.
  • S.Raudys, (1978a) Optimization of nonparametric classification algorithm. Adaptive systems and applications. Nauka, Novosibirsk, (A.Medvedev Ed.), 57-62.