ČZ vz. 38

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CZ VZ 38 is a model of 1945 caliber .25 ACP or 6.35 mm.

In 1936 the model 1922 was replaced by a new construction of Frantisek Myska. For the first time a DAO-(Double Action Only) system like with revolvers was used also for pistols. It got an external but protected hammer, which was to be charged every shot by pulling the trigger. This without doubt was Myskas sample for the later construction of the military-pistol "VZ 38", which had a similar system. For a pocket-pistol this was an acceptable design, since no requirements on precision and accuracy were existing and the security-aspect rather was top priority. The "CZ 1936" went down well, until the production was closed down in 1940 because of the changeover to war-production.

After the war, in the year 1945 the model 1936 was improved by Jan Kratochvil into the present pistol model CZ 45 and was put on the market again by CZ. However, the improvements involved no constructive details but were of a production depending kind.

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