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Ügyek or Előd (second half of the 8th century – first half of the 9th century), was the legendary father of Álmos, the first High Prince of the Magyars. His wife was Emese, who had seen a divine dream of a Turul bird that flew over her and got her with child before Álmos's birth, pursuant to the legends.

[edit] Marriage and Child

# Emese (second half of the 8th century – first half of the 9th century)

[edit] Sources

  • Kristó, Gyula - Makk, Ferenc: Az Árpád-ház uralkodói (IPC Könyvek, 1996)
  • Korai Magyar Történeti Lexikon (9-14. század), főszerkesztő: Kristó, Gyula, szerkesztők: Engel, Pál és Makk, Ferenc (Akadémiai Kiadó, Budapest, 1994)