Éric Wœrth

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Éric Wœrth (born 29 January 1956 in Creil) is a French politician.

Éric Wœrth studied at HEC School of Management and Institut d'Études Politiques de Paris. He was elected député for Oise in 2002. He is also treasurer of the UMP.

He was secretary of State for Reform of the State in the government of Jean-Pierre Raffarin from 2004 to 2005.

Wœrth founded the "club de la boussole", a group of UMP députés, and is a member of the Réformateurs, a liberal trend within the UMP.

He was named Minister of the Budget, Public Accounting, and Civil Servants on May 18, 2007, in the government of Prime Minister François Fillon.[1]

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