Economy of the European Union

2008/9 Schools Wikipedia Selection. Related subjects: Economics

Economy of the European Union
Currency 1 Euro (€) = 100 cents

Other currencies in member states
Bulgarian lev • Czech koruna • Danish krone • Estonian kroon • Hungarian forint • Latvian lats • Lithuanian litas • Polish złoty • Romanian leu • Swedish krona • Slovak koruna • Pound sterling

GDP ranking 1st (2006)
GDP ( PPP) US $13.06 trillion (2006)
GDP growth rate 3.1% (2006)
GDP per capita US $29,900 (2006)
GDP by sector (2006) 70.5% services
27.3% industry
  2.1% agriculture
Inflation 1.9% (2007)
Population below poverty threshold 17%
Labour force 221.5 million
Labour force by occupation (2006) 67.0% services
27.3% industry
  4.4% agriculture
Unemployment 7.0% (May 2007)
Trading partners
Imports US $1.466 trillion (2006)

Main import partners (2005)
China, Japan, Russia, United States

Exports US $1.33 trillion (ranking: 1st) (2006)

Main export partners (2005)
China, Russia, Switzerland, United States

Public finances
Public debt € 7,240.8 billion
(58.7% of GDP) (2007)
Public deficit € 109.5 billion
(-0.9% of GDP) (2007)
Expenditure € 5,648.6 billion (2007)
Revenue € 5,537.6 billion (2007)
Note: The data in this section is derived from the combined public finance figures of each of the 27 EU member states
Sources: Eurostat Data 2008

If it were considered as a single state, the economy of the European Union's twenty-seven member states would be the world's largest national economy. The EU accounts for 30.3% of the world's total GDP in 2005 ( World Bank figures).


The official currency of the European Union is the euro, used in all its documents and policies. The Stability and Growth Pact sets out the fiscal criteria to maintain for stability and (economic) convergence. The euro is also the most widely used currency in the EU, which is in use in 15 member states known as the Eurozone. All other member states, apart from Denmark and the United Kingdom which have special opt-outs, have committed to changing over to the Euro once they have fulfilled the requirements needed to do so - although Sweden also has an effective opt-out by choosing when or whether to join the European Exchange Rate Mechanism which is the preliminary step towards joining. The remaining states are committed to join the Euro through their Treaties of Accession.

Economic variation

Below is a table showing, respectively, the GDP ( PPP) and the GDP (PPP) per capita for the European Union and for each of its 27 member states, sorted by GDP (PPP) per capita. This can be used as a rough gauge to the relative standards of living among member states, with Luxembourg and Ireland the highest; Romania and Bulgaria the lowest. Eurostat, based in Luxembourg, is the Official Statistical Office of the European Communities releasing yearly GDP figures for the member states as well as the EU as a whole, which are regularly updated, supporting this way a measure of wealth and a base for the European Union's budgetary and economic policies. Figures are stated in euro. All data for 2007 are projections.

These are the official Eurostat figures, as of 21 April 2007.

GDP (PPP) per capita 2006  ������>$30,000 ������>$25,000 ������>$20,000 ������>$15,000 ������>$10,000
GDP (PPP) per capita 2006
      >$30,000       >$25,000       >$20,000       >$15,000       >$10,000
Member States GDP (PPP) 2007
millions of
per capita 2007
Percentage of EU27
average GDP
(PPP) per capita
Flag of Europe European Union 12,172,536 24,600 100%
1 Flag of Germany Germany 2,340,372 28,200 115%
2 Flag of the United Kingdom United Kingdom 1,847,105 29,400 120%
3 Flag of France France 1,744,444 27,800 113%
4 Flag of Italy Italy 1,500,475 25,500 104%
5 Flag of Spain Spain 1,121,961 25,400 103%
6 Flag of the Netherlands Netherlands 530,564 32,800 133%
7 Flag of Poland Poland 525,277 15,143 55%
8 Flag of Belgium Belgium 319,867 30,200 123%
9 Flag of Sweden Sweden 274,499 30,000 122%
10 Flag of Austria Austria 264,472 31,900 130%
11 Flag of Greece Greece 246,671 22,100 90%
12 Flag of Romania Romania 208,220 9,700 39%
13 Flag of the Czech Republic Czech Republic 207,174 20,100 82%
14 Flag of Portugal Portugal 190,882 18,200 74%
15 Flag of Denmark Denmark 171,298 31,200 127%
16 Flag of Hungary Hungary 166,031 16,200 66%
17 Flag of Ireland Ireland 157,070 35,700 147%
18 Flag of Finland Finland 153,595 28,900 117%
19 Flag of Slovakia Slovakia 88,602 16,400 67%
20 Flag of Bulgaria Bulgaria 86,500 10,844 41%
21 Flag of Lithuania Lithuania 50,241 15,000 61%
22 Flag of Slovenia Slovenia 44,040 21,800 89%
23 Flag of Latvia Latvia 33,630 14,900 61%
24 Flag of Luxembourg Luxembourg 31,376 69,900 284%
25 Flag of Estonia Estonia 23,919 17,900 73%
26 Flag of Cyprus Cyprus 17,773 22,900 93%
27 Flag of Malta Malta 7,824 18,600 76%
Candidate countries: (not included in the EU total above)
Flag of Croatia Croatia 57,948 14,153 57%
Flag of Turkey Turkey 541,418 7,300 30%
Flag of the Republic of Macedonia Republic of Macedonia 13,897 6,900 28%

PERCENTAGES: EUROSTAT( ). Recalculated manually to EU27.

Economies of member states

Economic performance varies from state to state. The Growth and Stability Pact governs fiscal policy with the European Union. It applies to all member states, with specific rules which apply to the eurozone members that stipulate that each state's deficit must not exceed 3% of GDP and its public debt must not exceed 60% of GDP. However, many larger members have consistently run deficits substantially in excess of 3%, and the eurozone as a whole has a debt percentage exceeding 60% (see below).

With the exception of Greece and Portugal, all countries with below average GNI per capita are those which joined the EU in May 2004 and all countries with above average GNI per capita come from the existing (pre-2004) member states.

The following table shows information relating to the member states of the European Union, ordered according to the 'Size' of their economies. (NB: Were the table ordered according to 'GDP per capita' this would perhaps better reflect the strength of an individual economy. But this is not how such tables are commonly structured).

The colours denote how a member state is performing relative to the rest of the European Union, above average (green) or below average (red). The smallest and greatest values in each column are emphasised. The 2007 data are IMF estimates made in April 2007.

Member State
sorted by GDP
in billions
of US $
% of EU
 % of GDP
per capita
in PPP US $
Public Debt
% of GDP
% of GDP
% Annual
Flag of Europe European Union 15,183.4 100.0% 2.8 29 342 63.8 -2.6 2.2 7.5
Flag of Germany Germany 3,080.6 19.4% 1.8 32,179 66.0 -3.7 2.0 7.8
Flag of the United Kingdom United Kingdom 2,660.7 16.8% 2.9 36,568 41.6 -3.2 2.3 5.3
Flag of France France 2,401.4 15.2% 2.0 31,873 65.6 -3.7 1.7 8.3
Flag of Italy Italy 1,993.7 12.6% 1.8 31,694 105.8 -3.0 2.1 6.8
Flag of Spain Spain 1,359.1 8.6% 3.8 28,445 48.9 -0.3 2.6 7.8
Flag of the Netherlands Netherlands 720.9 4.5% 2.9 36,240 55.7 -2.5 1.8 3.2
Flag of Sweden Sweden 423.6 2.7% 3.3 35,729 51.2 -1.4 1.8 5.5
Flag of Belgium Belgium 423.5 2.7% 2.2 35,693 95.6 -0.1 1.9 7.8
Flag of Poland Poland 364.8 2.3% 5.8 15,894 43.6 -3.0 2.2 10.5
Flag of Austria Austria 348.7 2.2% 2.8 37,536 65.2 -1.3 1.6 4.5
Flag of Greece Greece 341.8 2.2% 3.8 27,360 106.5 -2.8 3.2 8.3
Flag of Denmark Denmark 302.6 1.9% 2.5 38,072 42.7 -2.8 2.0 4.7
Flag of Ireland Ireland 250.2 1.6% 5.0 46,786 29.9 -1.3 2.4 4.5
Flag of Finland Finland 225.4 1.4% 3.1 36,324 43.6 -2.1 1.5 7.5
Flag of Portugal Portugal 211.7 1.3% 1.8 23,464 61.9 -2.9 2.5 7.4
Flag of the Czech Republic Czech Republic 160.4 1.0% 4.8 24,679 37.4 -3.0 2.9 6.6
Flag of Romania Romania 157.6 1.0% 6.5 10,661 21.2 -4.0 4.5 4.5
Flag of Hungary Hungary 125.0 1.0% 2.8 20,700 57.6 -4.5 6.4 7.9
Flag of Slovakia Slovakia 69.3 0.8% 8.2 19,172 36.9 -2.9 2.4 10.8
Flag of Luxembourg Luxembourg 45.8 0.3% 4.6 84,507 7.5 -1.1 2.1 4.6
Flag of Slovenia Slovenia 41.1 0.3% 4.5 25,266 29.4 -1.9 2.7 6.4
Flag of Bulgaria Bulgaria 35.8 0.2% 6.0 10,677 24.8 -4.0 5.3 7.8
Flag of Lithuania Lithuania 35.4 0.2% 7.0 16,863 19.7 -2.5 3.5 6.1
Flag of Latvia Latvia 24.1 0.2% 10.5 17,364 14.4 -0.8 7.3 6.3
Flag of Cyprus Cyprus 19.9 0.1% 3.9 31,053 62.3 -3.5 2.1 4.8
Flag of Estonia Estonia 19.6 0.2% 9.9 20,114 4.9 -1.8 4.8 4.2
Flag of Malta Malta 6.2 0.1% 2.3 21,061 75.0 -5.2 2.4 6.8

Economic growth

The EU's share of Gross world product (GWP) is stable at around one fifth . GDP growth, though strong in the new member states, is being affected by sluggish growth in France, Italy and Portugal.

Estonia and Latvia, also referred to as the Baltic Tigers, have the highest GDP growth rates in the union and one of the highest in the world.

Population and GDP per capita of EU member states and some candidates.
Population and GDP per capita of EU member states and some candidates.
GDP (PPP) per capita 2007 showing countries above and below EU-27 average
GDP (PPP) per capita 2007 showing countries above and below EU-27 average
EU15 GDP growth rates New member GDP growth rates
Member State  % GDP Growth
2005 2006 2007 2008
Flag of Austria Austria 2.0 3.3 3.3 2.5
Flag of Belgium Belgium 1.4 3.0 2.6 1.9
Flag of Denmark Denmark 3.1 3.5 1.9 1.5
Flag of Finland Finland 2.9 5.0 4.3 3.0
Flag of France France 1.7 2.0 1.9 2.0
Flag of Germany Germany 0.8 2.9 2.4 2.0
Flag of Greece Greece 3.7 4.3 3.9 3.6
Flag of Ireland Ireland 5.9 5.7 4.6 3.0
Flag of Italy Italy 0.1 1.9 1.7 1.3
Flag of Luxembourg Luxembourg 4.0 6.2 5.4 4.2
Flag of the Netherlands Netherlands 1.5 3.0 2.6 2.5
Flag of Portugal Portugal 0.5 1.3 1.8 1.8
Flag of Spain Spain 3.6 3.9 3.7 2.7
Flag of Sweden Sweden 2.9 4.2 3.6 2.8
Flag of the United Kingdom United Kingdom 1.8 2.8 3.1 2.3
Member State  % GDP Growth
2004 2005 2006 2007
Flag of Bulgaria Bulgaria 5.7 5.5 5.6 6.1
Flag of Cyprus Cyprus 3.9 3.7 3.5 3.8
Flag of the Czech Republic Czech Republic 4.2 6.1 6.0 4.9
Flag of Estonia Estonia 7.8 9.8 9.5 8.7
Flag of Hungary Hungary 5.2 4.1 4.5 2.4
Flag of Latvia Latvia 8.6 10.2 11.0 9.6
Flag of Lithuania Lithuania 7.0 7.5 6.8 7.3
Flag of Malta Malta -1.5 2.5 1.6 3.0
Flag of Poland Poland 5.3 3.4 6.1 6.5
Flag of Romania Romania 4.1 8.5 7.7 6.7
Flag of Slovakia Slovakia 5.4 6.1 6.5 8.5
Flag of Slovenia Slovenia 4.2 4.0 5.2 4.3

Flag of Europe European Union 2.4 1.8 2.8 2.4
Eurozone 2.1 1.3 2.4 2.0

The ten new member states of Eastern and North Europe have enjoyed a higher average percentage growth rate than their Western European counterparts. Notably the Baltic states have achieved massive GDP growth, with Latvia topping 11%, close to China, the world leader at 9% on average for the past 25 years. Reasons for this massive growth include government commitments to stable monetary policy, export-oriented trade policies, low flat-tax rates and the utilisation of relatively cheap labour.

The current map of EU growth is one of huge regional variation, with the larger economies suffering from stagnant growth and the new nations enjoying sustained, robust economic growth.

Although EU27 GDP is on the increase, the percentage of Gross world product is decreasing due to the emergence of economic powers such as China, India and Brazil. In the medium to long term, the EU will be looking to increase GDP growth in the central European economies such as France, Germany and Italy and stabilise growth in the new Eastern European states to ensure sustained economic prosperity.


The European Union is the largest exporter in the world ( ) and the second largest importer. Internal trade between the member states is aided by the removal of barriers to trade such as tariffs and border controls. In the eurozone, trade is helped by not having any currency differences to deal with amongst most members. The European Union Association Agreement does something similar for a much larger range of countries, partly as a so-called soft approach ('a carrot instead of a stick') to influence the politics in those countries.

The European Union represents all its members at the World Trade Organization, and acts on behalf of member states in any disputes.


Unemployment rate by country in the EU at February 2007
Unemployment rate by country in the EU at February 2007
Changes in the unemployment rate from February 2006 until February 2007 in the EU (Red - increasing and Blue - decreasing)
Changes in the unemployment rate from February 2006 until February 2007 in the EU (Red - increasing and Blue - decreasing)

The seasonally adjusted unemployment rate in the European Union in June 2007 was 6.9% compared to 7.9% in all current 27 memberstates in June 2006. The rate varies widely by member state. In comparison the United States had an unemployment rate of 4.5% and Japan a rate of 3.8% measured by Eurostat.

The following table states the current unemployment rate of all Member States for June 2007 with comparisons to June 2006:

Member State  % Unemployment
June 2006 June 2007
Flag of Austria Austria 4.8 4.3
Flag of Belgium Belgium 8.4 7.2
Flag of Denmark Denmark 4.2 3.5
Flag of Finland Finland 7.8 6.7
Flag of France France 9.5 8.6
Flag of Germany Germany 8.3 8.8
Flag of Greece Greece 9.0 8.6
Flag of Ireland Ireland 4.5 4.0
Flag of Italy Italy 6.8 6.1
Flag of Luxembourg Luxembourg 4.6 4.9
Flag of the Netherlands Netherlands 3.9 3.3
Flag of Portugal Portugal 7.6 7.9
Flag of Spain Spain 8.5 8.0
Flag of Sweden Sweden 7.2 5.3
Flag of the United Kingdom United Kingdom 5.4 5.4
Member State  % Unemployment Rate
June 2006 June 2007
Flag of Bulgaria Bulgaria 9.0 7.0
Flag of Cyprus Cyprus 4.8 3.9
Flag of the Czech Republic Czech Republic 7.1 5.7
Flag of Estonia Estonia 5.7 5.1
Flag of Hungary Hungary 7.3 7.7
Flag of Latvia Latvia 7.0 5.7
Flag of Lithuania Lithuania 5.6 4.7
Flag of Malta Malta 7.4 6.4
Flag of Poland Poland 13.9 10.2
Flag of Romania Romania 7.3 7.3
Flag of Slovakia Slovakia 13.4 10.7
Flag of Slovenia Slovenia 6.1 5.1
Flag of Europe European Union 7.9 6.9


The services sector is by far the most important sector in the European Union, making up 69.4% of GDP, compared to the manufacturing industry with 28.4% of GDP and agriculture with only 2.3% of GDP.


The agricultural sector is supported by subsidies from the European Union in the form of the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP). This currently represents 40-50% of the EU's total spending. It guarantees a minimum price for farmers in the EU. This is criticised as a form of protectionism, inhibiting trade, and damaging developing countries; one of the most vocal opponents is the UK, the second largest economy within the bloc, which has repeatedly refused to give up the annual UK Rebate unless the CAP undergoes significant reform; France, the biggest benefactor of the CAP and the bloc's third largest economy, is its most vocal proponent.


The European Union is a major tourist destination, attracting visitors from outside of the Union and citizens travelling inside it. Internal tourism is made more convenient for the citizens of some EU member states by the Schengen treaty and the Euro. All citizens of the European Union are entitled to travel to any member state without the need of a visa. If the EU component states are considered separate entities, France is the world's number one tourist destination for international visitors, followed by Spain, Italy and the United Kingdom at 2nd, 5th and 6th spots respectively. If the EU is considered a single entity, the number of international visitors is less, as most visitors to EU nations are from other EU member states.


The European Union's member states are the birthplace of many of the world's largest leading multinational companies, and home to its global headquarters. Among these are distinguished companies ranked first in the world within their industry/sector, like Allianz, which is the largest financial service provider in the world by revenue; Airbus, which produces around half of the world's jet airliners; Air France-KLM, which is the largest airline company in the world in terms of total operating revenues; Amorim, which is the world's largest cork-processing and cork producer company; ArcelorMittal, which is the largest steel company in the world; Groupe Danone, which has the world leadership in the dairy products market; InBev, which is the largest beer company in the world; L'Oréal Group, which is the world's largest cosmetics and beauty company; LVMH, which is the world's largest luxury goods conglomerate; Nokia Corporation, which is the world's largest manufacturer of mobile telephones; Royal Dutch Shell, which is the largest energy corporation in the world; and Stora Enso, which is the world's largest pulp and paper manufacturer in terms of production capacity. Many other European companies rank among the world's largest companies in terms of turnover, profit, market share, number of employees or other major indicators. A considerable number of EU-based companies are ranked among the worlds' top-ten within their sector of activity.

Regional variation

Comparing the richest areas of the EU can be a difficult task. This is because the NUTS 1 & 2 regions are not homogenous, some of them being very large regions, such as NUTS-1 Hesse (21,100 km²) or NUTS-1 Île-de-France (12,011 km²), whilst other NUTS regions are much smaller, for example NUTS-1 Hamburg (755 km²) or NUTS-1 Greater London (1,580 km²). An extreme example is Finland, which is divided for historical reasons into mainland Finland with 5.3 million inhabitants and Åland, an island with a population of 26,700, or about the population of a small Finnish city.

One problem with this data is that in some areas, including Greater London, are subject to a large number of commuters coming into the area, thereby artificially inflating the figures. It has the effect of raising GDP but not altering the number of people living in the area, inflating the GDP per capita figure. Similar problems can be produced by a large number of tourists visiting the area.

The data is used to define regions that are supported with financial aid in programs such as the European Regional Development Fund.

The decision to delineate a Nomenclature of Territorial Units for Statistics (NUTS) region is to a large extent arbitrary (i.e. not based on objective and uniform criteria across Europe), and is decided at European level (See also: Regions of the European Union).

Top 10: economically strongest NUTS-1 and NUTS-2 regions

The 10 NUTS-1 and NUTS-2 regions with the highest GDP per capita are all in the first fifteen member states: none are in the 12 new member states that joined in May 2004 and January 2007. The NUTS Regulation lays down a minimum population size of 3 million and a maximum size of 7 million for the average NUTS-1 region, whereas a minimum of 800.000 and a maximum of 3 million for NUTS-2 regions ¹ . This definition, however, is not respected by Eurostat. E.g.: the région of Île-de-France, with 11.6 million inhabitants, is treated as a NUTS-2 region, while the state of Bremen, with only 664,000 inhabitants, is treated as a NUTS-1 region.

Rank NUTS-1 region 2004 GDP (PPP) per capita
in Euros
1 Flag of Luxembourg Luxembourg 53,978
2 Flag of Belgium Brussels-Capital, Belgium 53,381
3 Flag of Germany Hamburg, Germany 41,972
4 Flag of the United Kingdom Greater London, United Kingdom 40,542
5 Flag of France Île-de-France, France 37,526
6 Flag of Germany Bremen, Germany 33,508
7 Flag of Finland Åland, Finland 31,909
8 Flag of the Netherlands Randstad, Netherlands 30,762
9 Flag of Ireland Ireland 30,414
10 Flag of Germany Bavaria, Germany 29,646
Rank NUTS-2 region 2004 GDP (PPP) per capita
in Euros
Note that Flag of Germany Frankfurt (€68,751 per capita) and Flag of France Paris (€67,980 per capita)
are treated as NUTS-3 by Eurostat and are thus not listed here.
1 Flag of the United Kingdom Inner London, United Kingdom 65,138
2 Flag of Luxembourg Luxembourg 53,978
3 Flag of Belgium Brussels-Capital, Belgium 53,381
4 Flag of Germany Hamburg, Germany 41,972
5 Flag of Austria Vienna, Austria 38,632
6 Flag of France Île-de-France, France 37,526
7 Flag of the United Kingdom Berkshire, Buckinghamshire & Oxfordshire, United Kingdom 37,379
8 Flag of Germany Oberbayern ( Upper Bavaria), Germany 36,408
9 Flag of Sweden Stockholm, Sweden 35,621
10 Flag of the Netherlands Utrecht, Netherlands 33,905

Economically weakest NUTS-2 regions

The fifteen lowest regions in the ranking in 2004 were all in Bulgaria, Poland and Romania, with the lowest figures recorded in Nord-Est in Romania (24% of the average), followed by Severozapaden, Yuzhen tsentralen and Severen tsentralen in Bulgaria (all 26%). Among the 70 regions below the 75% level, fifteen were in Poland, eight each in Greece and Romania, seven in the Czech Republic, six each in Bulgaria and Hungary, four each in France (all overseas departments), Italy and Portugal, three in Slovakia, one region in Spain, and Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania and Malta.

Rank NUTS-2 region 2004 GDP (PPP)
per capita
in Euros
% of the average GDP
of EU27 in 2004
1 Flag of Romania Nord-Est, Romania 5,070 24
2 Flag of Bulgaria Severozapaden, Bulgaria 5,502 26
3 Flag of Bulgaria Yuzhen tsentralen, Bulgaria 5,509 26
4 Flag of Bulgaria Severen tsentralen, Bulgaria 5,681 26
5 Flag of Romania Sud, Romania 6,111 28
6 Flag of Romania Sud-Vest, Romania 6,183 29
7 Flag of Bulgaria Severoiztochen, Bulgaria 6,299 29
8 Flag of Bulgaria Yugoiztochen, Bulgaria 6,420 30
9 Flag of Romania Sud-Est, Romania 6,612 31
10 Flag of Romania Nord-Vest, Romania 7,093 33
11 Flag of Poland Lubelskie, Poland 7 568 35
12 Flag of Poland Podkarpackie, Poland 7 617 35
13 Flag of Romania Centru, Romania 7 629 35
14 Flag of Poland Podlaskie, Poland 8 148 38
15 Flag of Romania Vest, Romania 8 395 39

Richest & Poorest NUTS-2 Regions (GDP PPP 2004)

See also: List of all NUTS-2 regions with GDP 2004 data

Member State Region GDP per capita
in Euros As % of EU-27 average
Flag of Europe European Union 21,503 100.0%
Flag of Austria Austria 27,666 128.7%
Richest Vienna 38,632 179.7%
Poorest Burgenland 19,305 89.8%
Flag of Belgium Belgium 26,759 124.4%
Richest Brussels-Capital 53,381 248.3%
Poorest Hainaut 17,546 81.6%
Flag of Bulgaria Bulgaria 7,134 33.2%
Richest Yugozapaden 10,550 49.1%
Poorest Severozapaden 5,502 25.6%
Flag of Cyprus Cyprus 19,648 91.4%
Flag of the Czech Republic Czech Republic 16,171 75,2%
Richest Prague 33,784 157.1%
Poorest Central Moravia 12,856 59.8%
Flag of Denmark Denmark 26,772 124.5%
Flag of France France 24,146 112.3%
Richest Ile-de-France 37,526 174.5%
Poorest French Guiana 11,690 54.4%
Flag of Germany Germany 24,903 115.8%
Richest Hamburg 41,972 195.2%
Poorest Dessau 16,295 75.8%
Flag of Estonia Estonia 11,978 55.7%
Flag of Finland Finland 24,834 115.5%
Richest Åland 31,461 146.3%
Poorest East Finland 18,336 85.3%
Flag of Greece Greece 18,245 84.8%
Richest Athens 24,230 112.7%
Poorest West Greece 11,714 54.5%
Flag of Hungary Hungary 13,751 64.0%
Richest Central Hungary 21,837 101.6%
Poorest Northern Hungary 9,003 41.9%
Flag of Ireland Ireland 30,414 141.4%
Richest Southern and Eastern 33,653 156.5%
Poorest Border, Midland and Western 21,518 100.1%
Flag of Italy Italy 23,095 107.4%
Richest Lombardy 30,426 141.5%
Poorest Sicily 14,447 67.3%
Flag of Latvia Latvia 9,775 45.5%
Flag of Lithuania Lithuania 10,981 51.1%
Flag of Luxembourg Luxembourg 53,978 251.0%
Flag of Malta Malta 15,988 74.4%
Flag of the Netherlands Netherlands 27,946 130.0%
Richest Utrecht 33,905 157.7%
Poorest Flevoland 20,736 96.4%
Flag of Poland Poland 10,908 50.7%
Richest Mazowieckie 16,523 76.8%
Poorest Lubelskie 7,568 35.2%
Flag of Portugal Portugal 16,086 74.8%
Richest Lisbon 22,745 105.8%
Poorest Norte 12,648 58.8%
Flag of Romania Romania 7,301 34.0%
Richest Bucharest-Ilfov 13,862 64.5%
Poorest North East Romania 5,070 23.6%
Flag of Slovakia Slovakia 12,196 56.7%
Richest Bratislava region 27,802 129.3%
Poorest Prešovský kraj & Košický kraj 9,102 42.3%
Flag of Slovenia Slovenia 17,920 83.3%
Flag of Spain Spain 21,658 100.7%
Richest Madrid 28,416 132.1%
Poorest Extremadura 14,419 67.1%
Flag of Sweden Sweden 25,865 120.3%
Richest Stockholm 35,621 165.7%
Poorest East Middle Sweden 21,862 101.7%
Flag of the United Kingdom United Kingdom 26,455 123.0%
Richest Inner London 65,138 302.9%
Poorest Cornwall & Isles of Scilly 17,025 79.2%

Comparison with regional blocs

Most active regional blocs
(as of 2004, except as noted)
Regional bloc1 Area Population GDP ($US) Member
km² sq mi in millions (PPP) in millions (nominal) per capita (PPP) per capita (nominal)
AU 29,797,500 11,504,879 897,548,804 1,515,000 1,131,850 1,896 1,261 53
ASEAN (2007 est.) 4,497,493 1,736,000 566,500,000 3,115,480 1,173,000 5,541 2,041 10
CACM 422,614 163,172 37,816,598 159,536 84,792 4,219 2,242 5
CARICOM 462,344 178,512 14,565,083 64,219 24,020 4,409 1,649 (14+1)3
CCASG / GCC 2,285,844 882,569 35,869,438 536,223 717,800 14,949 20,011 6
CEFTA 298,148 115,116 28,929,682 222,041 122,001 7,675 4,217 (7+1)3
EU (2007 est.) 4,324,782 1,669,808 497,000,000 14,953,000 16,574,000 28,213 33,482 27
EurAsEC 20,789,100 8,026,720 208,067,618 1,689,137 1,125,528 8,118 5,409 6
EFTA (2007 est.) 529,600 204,480 12,660,623 567,500 743,300 44,828 60,000 4
GAFTA 9,421,946 3,637,834 280,727,416 1,341,298 N/A 4,778 N/A (16+1)3
GUAM 810,506 312,938 63,764,600 456,173 106,469 7,154 1,670 4
NAFTA (2007 est.) 21,783,850 8,410,792 445,000,000 15,857,000 15,723,000 35,491 35,564 3
PARTA 528,151 203,920 7,810,905 23,074 N/A 2,954 N/A (12+2)3
SAARC 5,136,740 1,983,306 1,467,255,669 4,074,031 N/A 2,777 N/A 8
Unasur / Unasul 17,339,153 6,694,684 370,158,470 2,868,430 N/A 7,749 N/A 12
UN and countries
for reference2
Area Population GDP ($US) Units4
km² sq mi in millions (PPP) in millions (nominal) per capita (PPP) per capita (nominal)
UN 133,178,011 51,420,318 6,411,682,270 55,167,630 48,245,198 8,604 7,524 192
Brazil (2007 est.) 8,514,877 3,287,612 183,888,841 1,804,000 1,067,706 10,073 6,842 27
Canada (2007 est.) 9,984,670 3,855,103 33,000,000 1,274,000 1,406,000 38,200 42,738 13
India (2007 est.) 3,287,590 1,269,346 1,120,000,000 4,726,000 1,089,000 4,182 1,004 35
Japan (2007 est.) 377,873 145,898 127,433,494 4,346,000 4,346,000 33,800 38,341 47
PR China5 (2007 est.) 9,596,960 3,705,407 1,321,851,888 7,043,000 3,420,000 5,300 2,800 33
Russia (2007 est.) 17,075,200 6,592,772 142,500,000 2,076,000 1,286,000 14,600 9,056 83
USA (2007 est.) 9,826,630 3,794,083 302,000,000 13,543,000 13,794,700 43,500 45,594 50
Source: CIA World Factbook 2005, IMF WEO Database, IMF nominal figures for 2006.
     smallest value among the blocs compared     largest value among the blocs compared

1 Including data only for full and most active members.
2 Including the largest five countries by area, population (not #4), GDP (PPP) (not #5), and GDP (nominal) (not #3 or #5).
3 Including non-sovereign autonomous areas of other states.
4 Members or administrative divisions.
5 Data for the People's Republic of China does not include Hong Kong, Macau, or the independent Republic of China (Taiwan) (over which PRC claims sovereignty).

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