Zulu Dawn

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Zulu Dawn

Movie poster.
Directed by Douglas Hickox
Produced by Nate Kohn
James Faulkner
Written by Cy Endfield
Anthony Story
Starring Burt Lancaster
Peter O'Toole
Simon Ward
Music by Elmer Bernstein
Cinematography Ousama Rawi
Editing by Malcolm Cooke
Distributed by American Cinema Releasing
Release date(s) May 15, 1979 (U.S.)
Running time 115 min.
Country USA
South Africa
Language English
All Movie Guide profile
IMDb profile

Zulu Dawn is a 1979 book and war film about the Battle of Isandlwana between British and Zulu military units in 1879 in South Africa. The film is available on tape or DVD, and frequently appears on television.

The book was written by Cy Endfield who co-wrote the screenplay with Anthony Story. The film was directed by Douglas Hickox, with music scored by Elmer Bernstein.


[edit] Plot

Spoiler warning: Plot and/or ending details follow.

The film is set in British South Africa, in the province of Natal, in January 1879. The first half of the film revolves around the administrators and officials of Cape Colony, notably the supremely arrogant Lord Chelmsford and the scheming Sir Henry Bartle Frere, who both wish to crush the neighbouring Zulu Empire, perceived as a threat to Cape Colony's emerging industrial economy. Eager to crush the Zulus, Bartle Frere issues an impossible ultimatum to the Zulu King, Cetshwayo, demanding that he dissolves the Zulu Empire. Cetshwayo refuses, providing Cape Colony with a pretext to invade Zululand. Despite objections from leading members of Cape Colony's high society and from Great Britain itself, Bartle Frere authorises Lord Chelmsford to lead a British invasion force into Zululand.

The second half of the film focuses on the British invasion of Zululand and the lead-up to the Battle of Isandhlwana. The invading British army, laden down with an immense network of supply wagons, invades Zululand and marches in the direction of Ulundi, the Zulu capital. British forces, eager to fight a large battle in which they can unleash their cutting-edge military technology against the vast Zulu army, become increasingly frustrated as the main Zulu army refuses to attack the British, and fighting is restricted to a few small skirmishes between British and Zulu scouts. Concerned that their supply lines are becoming overstretched and that the main Zulu army is still at large, British troops begin torturing captive Zulu warriors in an effort to learn the location and tactics of the Zulu field army. The Zulu captives, though, escape their torturers and regroup with the Zulu army, informing them of the British army's direction and strength. Halfway to Ulundi, Chelmsford halts his army at the base of Mount Isandhlwana, ignoring the advice of Boer attendants to entrench the camp and laager his supply wagons, leaving the camp dangerously exposed. Reacting to false intelligence, Chelmsford leads half of the British army, including the best infantry, cavalry, and artillery units, on a wild goose chase far from the camp, in pursuit of a phantom Zulu army. With the British camp at Isandhlwana defended by only half the British invasion force, the main Zulu army launches an attack on the camp.

Initially, the British infantry succeed in defending the camp, and Zulu forces retreat under a hail of rifle and artillery fire. However, British units defending the camp are dangerously spread-out, and do not notice Zulu forces sneaking round the sides of the mountain in an encircling move. As British infantrymen begin to run out of ammunition and the British cavalry are driven back towards the camp, Zulu warriors charge the British troops en masse, sustaining horrific casualties, but succeed in breaking the British lines. As British troops break and flee towards the camp, the battle breaks down into hand-to-hand fighting between British and Zulu soldiers, amongst the débris of tents, wagons, and supply dumps. Overwhelmed by the sheer numbers of Zulu warriors, British soldiers and their African allies are slaughtered in the camp, or cut down as they attempt to flee back towards Cape Colony. During the last minutes of the battle, the camp's commander, Colonel Pulleine, entrusts the Union Jack to two junior officers, who attempt to carry it to safety in Cape Colony, passing gruesome scenes as Zulu warriors hunt down British and African infantrymen attempting to flee towards Natal. In the evening, Chelmsford and the rest of the British army return to Isandhlwana, to be greeted by the sight of their slaughtered comrades, and the news that a mass Zulu army has invaded Cape Colony and lain siege to Rorke's Drift. The film ends with Zulu warriors in a silhouetted victory procession, dragging captured British artillery back to Ulundi.

[edit] Cast

[edit] British

  • Burt Lancaster: Colonel Durnford. Commander of a large force of the Natal Native Contingent, Britain's African allies, Durnford is a humane officer who expresses concern for the lives and welfare of his African troops. When war breaks out, Durnford, much to his chagrin, is ordered to remain in Natal and defend the border rather than accompany the invasion force. His troops are ultimately called to reinforce the invasion army, and on the day of battle, Durnford and his African cavalrymen are driven into the camp. As the British force breaks apart, Durnford becomes trapped in the camp, and is killed amongst his infantrymen.
  • Simon Ward: Lt. William Vereker. A junior officer who has recently attached to Durnford's command, Lt Vereker is a light-hearted cavalry officer eager to see war. Vereker's enthusiasm, though, evaporates as he sees Zulu warriors tortured and slain by British troops. Vereker and his men discover the main Zulu army on the morning of the battle, and as British battle lines collapse, Vereker accompanies Lts. Melvill and Coghill in an effort to return the army's flags to Natal. ALthough Zulu warriors capture the Union Flag, Vereker, in his dying moments, shoots the lead Zulu warrior, ensuring that the flag falls into the Zambezi River, where it is washed out of the reach of Zulu forces.
  • Denholm Elliott: Colonel Pulleine. A mild-mannered and indecisive man, Pulleine is a military bureaucrat who accompanies the army into Zululand, and finds himself left in command of the camp at Isandlwana after Chelmsford leaves on a sortie. News of the approaching Zulu army unnerves Pulleine, and his overstretched troops are unable to defend the camp. After having entrusted the Union Flag to Lts. Melvill and Coghill, Pulleine returns to his tent to pen a last letter to his wife. He is discovered by one of the escaped Zulus and, unwilling to kill the young soldier, the elderly Pulleine allows himself to be killed in his tent.
  • Peter Vaughan: Quarter Sergeant-Major Bloomfield. An elderly and jovial sergeant, QSM Bloomfield, who claims (somewhat dubiously) to have joined the army during the Napoleonic Wars some sixty years earlier, is a military administrator responsible for overseeing the invasion force's supply network. Bloomfield takes a young teenage soldier under his wing, but his compassion and concern does not extend to the Natal Native Contingent's black soldiers, who he sees as little more than animals. During the battle, Bloomfield refuses to dispense ammunition to troops from other units, contributing to chronic ammunition shortages which oblige British troops to retreat. Bloomfield is badly injured when his ammunition wagon explodes, and is killed by a Zulu warrior's assegai.
  • James Faulkner: Lieutenant Melvill. An arrogant, conceited, and unpleasant man, when a lone Zulu warrior calls from a mountaintop, asking why British forces are invading, Melvill shouts back "we come in the name of Queen Victoria, Queen of all Africa". During the invasion, Melvill expresses a lack of sympathy for African soldiers who drown in the river, and encourages the torture of Zulu prisoners. Towards the end of the battle, Melvill carries the Union Flag back towards Natal, ignoring British infantrymen being killed as they escape on foot. Melvill reaches the border between Zululand and Natal, but is stabbed to death by Zulu warriors while crossing the Zambezi River.
  • Christopher Cazenove: Lieutenant Coghill. A polite and educated young officer, Lieutenant Coghill is temporarily attached to Colonel Pulleine's staff, due to an injured leg which requires him to ride on horseback. Coghill has a close friendship with Lt. Melvill, and during the invasion he expresses dissatisfaction at Chelmsford's strategy. Towards the end of the battle, Coghill accompanies Melvill in his attempt to gallop the Union Flag back towards Natal. When Melvill nearly drowns while trying to cross the Zambezi River, Coghill turns to help him, and is ambushed by Zulu warriors. Coghill attempts to defend himself with his sword, but is killed.
  • Bob Hoskins: Colour-Sergeant-Major Williams. The loud, aggressive Williams, a high-ranking NCO, is viewed by his soldiers with a mixture of fear and respect, but displays genuine concern for his troops. During the battle, Williams loses many of his infantrymen during hand-to-hand fighting, and is badly injured while defending a group of unarmed artillerymen. Williams is killed while attempting to save the life of one of his young soldiers, and having killed several Zulu soldiers with his bayonet, dies at the hands of a large group of fanatical Zulu infantrymen.
  • Peter O'Toole: Lord Chelmsford. The arrogant commander of British forces in South Africa, Chelmsford is eager to advance his military career by crushing neighbouring Zululand, believing that "for the savage as for the child, chastisement is sometimes a blessing". During the invasion, Chelmsford refuses to listen to advice from his British and Boer advisors, and from the comfort of his tent and personal coach, authorises his troops to torture Zulu captives. On the day of the battle, Chelmsford commits a cardinal error in splitting his forces. While the troops at Isandlwana fight for their lives, Chelmsford and his equally arrogant officers, a few miles away, enjoy a silver-service luncheon, laughing sardonically at increasingly desperate reports of the battle. Chelmsford is last seen arriving at the site of the battle several hours later, staring emptily at the bodies of his soldiers, absorbing the news that the victorious Zulu army has invaded Natal.
  • John Mills: Sir Henry Bartle Frere. The British High Commissioner for South Africa who provokes the war by issuing King Cetshwayo with an impossible ultimatum. Viewing the Zulus as savage barbarians, Bartle Frere believes that the war will provide "a Final Solution to the Zulu Question". Frere is last seen on the night of the British invasion, and does not appear again in the film.
  • Ronald Lacey: Norris Newman. A war correspondent for The Daily Telegraph, Newman accompanies the army into Zululand to report on the war. Newman is deeply critical of Chelmsford, frequently points out Chelmsford's tactical errors, and makes no effort to conceal his contempt for the general. Newman appears to have much more background knowledge on the Zulus than the officers, and frequently expresses sympathy for Zulus who stand little chance against British weaponry. Newman accompanies Chelmsford's expedition and so avoids the battle, and is last seen with Chelmsford, staring at the devastation of the battlefield.
  • Donald Pickering: Major Crealock. An officer of the Royal Artillery and lickspittle to his commander, Major Crealock acts as Lord Chelmsford's secretary, constantly expressing his agreement with Chelmsford's decisions. He accompanies Chelmsford's expedition away from Isandhlwana, and is seen idly sketching the landscape while the battle rages a few miles away. When questioned by Newman on the logic of splitting the British army, Russell acidly replies that the Zulus' primitive weaponry does not pose any real threat. When Lieutenant Raw arrives from Isandhlwana with an urgent request for reinforcements, Crealock lectures Raw on military etiquette, and does nothing to facilitate the request. Crealock is last seen with Chelmsford after returning to the devastated camp, bringing news of an ongoing battle at Rorke's Drift and a Zulu invasion of Natal.
  • Nicholas Clay: Lieutenant Raw. A well-meaning officer of the Natal Native Contingent, Raw distinguishes himself from his colleagues through his concern for his African soldiers, and is horrified at British soldiers' lack of interest in the lives of their black allies, and at Chelmsford's casual attitude to the torture of Zulu captives. During the early stages of the battle, Raw is dispatched by Colonel Pulleine to catch up with Chelmsford's army, carrying an urgent request for reinforcements. His message is ignored, and Raw is denied permission to return to Isandhlwana. He is last seen in the evening, weeping as he walks through the countless corpses of young soldiers.

[edit] Zulu

  • Simon Sabela: King Cetshwayo. King of Zululand, Cetshwayo is depicted as a peaceful and effective ruler, eager to avoid war but unwilling to compromise Zululand's security by agreeing to Bartle Frere's ultimatum. Cetshwayo is concerned that mobilising his armies will leave a chronic labour shortage, and is eager to defeat the British army in time for his soldiers to return and gather the harvest. Cetshwayo is last seen in his kraal at Ulundi, reluctantly announcing a state of war between Zululand and Cape Colony.
  • Ken Gampu: Mantshonga. A leading general in the Zulu army, Mantshonga masterminds various schemes to confuse British forces, using scouts to gain intelligence on the British army, and small raiding parties to confuse their scouts on the whereabouts of Zulu impis. Mantshonga realises he must overwhelm the British while they are exposed and vulnerable; and that an open battle would result in a crushing Zulu defeat. He keeps his impis hidden, allowing the invaders to progress deep into Zululand, waiting for them to commit an error that will give the impis the opportunity to overwhelm the British before they have time to commit their technology to the battle. While chasing a Boer scout, Mantshonga instructs three of his warriors to allow themselves to be captured by the British, who eventually escape and advise Mantshonga on British weaknesses. In contrast to the British commanders, Mantshonga displays immense bravery, and is last seen leading his warriors into the débâcle of the British camp, where he is shot and presumably killed.
  • Gilbert Tiabane: Bayele. A young warrior in he Zulu army, Bayele leads several scouting missions to glean intelligence on British forces. Under orders from Mantshonga, Bayele allows himself to be captured by cavalrymen of the Natal Native Contingent, and with two other warriors, is taken to the camp at Isandhlwana. While lashed to wagon wheels, Bayele and his two comrades are tortured but only reveal false information. Bayele later uses a distraction in the camp to kill the guard, releases his two comrades, and the three escape to rejoin the Zulu army. Bayele takes part in the assault on the camp, and by chance finds himself face-to-face with Colonel Pulleine in the command tent. Pulleine, recognising Bayele as the tortured prisoner, is unable to shoot Bayele, and Bayele seizes the opportunity to kill him.

[edit] Historical accuracy

The film generally avoids historical inaccuracies and is fairly true to the events of 22nd January 1879. The costumes of the British soldiers are reasonably accurate, and feature the soldiers staining their pith helmets with tea to reduce the shimmering glare; a practice popular among British soldiers on tropical service, and unlike the film Zulu, which inaccurately depicted shining white helmets. The uniforms of the Natal Native Contingent are also accurate replicas, as are the costumes worn by members of the Royal Artillery and irregular cavalry units, such as the Natal Mounted Police. One notable inaccuracy in the film is that the rifles carried by British infantrymen are not Martini-Henrys as at the actual battle, but cavalry carbines.

Several events portrayed in the film are erroneous. These include:

  • Scenes early in the battle which depict British infantrymen clustered into tightly-packed firing lines. Recent research has revealed that British soldiers were very thinly-spread, with a gap of two or three metres between each soldier.
  • The issue of ammunition shortage is now held to be inaccurate (see Battle of Isandlwana). According to the testimony of British and Zulu survivors after the war, the pace of fire did not slacken due to ammunition shortages, but due to rifles becoming overheated or jamming, and their firers retreating into the camp.
  • The film portrays the artillery units being overwhelmed inside the camp; in reality, the field guns were attached to their limbers and attempted to escape the camp, and almost reached the Natal border before being caught by Zulu soldiers.
  • The scene depicting Lts. Melvill and Coghill's escape with the Union Flag is inaccurate. In the film, Lt. Melvill carries a single Union Flag unfurled, whereas in reality he carried both the Union Flag and the Regimental Flag of the South Wales Borderers, both of which were furled up inside their leather cases. In addition, the scene in which Lt. Vereker shoots dead a Zulu warrior in order to save the flag from Zulu capture is entirely fictional; in reality, Melvill was too exhausted to hold onto the heavy flag while trying to swim the river, and it slipped from his grip.
  • Also the escape of Melvill and Coghill was probably not ordered by Pulleine, who was probably dead by that time. Melvill may have taken the colours as an excuse to leave the field, with Coghill joining him later.
  • The film does not portray the solar eclipse which occurred at 2.37pm, near the end of the battle, interpreted by the Zulus as an omen of their impending victory.
  • During the battle, a large group of British and African soldiers led by Captain Younghusband rallied near the foot of the mountain, succeeding in holding off Zulu attacks for some time. When the soldiers finally ran out of ammunition, they executed a bayonet charge against Zulu warriors, led by a group of infantry officers wielding their swords. Zulu accounts state that the Zulus respected these soldiers' bravery, and having killed them, accorded them ceremonial honours usually reserved for fallen Zulu warriors. This event is not portrayed in the film.
  • The film does not depict an event which occurred in the evening, when a large Zulu impi heading in the direction of Rorke's Drift passed within shooting range of Chelmsford's force returning to Isandhlwana. The two forces, wary of each other, shadowed one another for some time without making any attacks, and finally broke off after around an hour.
  • The rank and file soldiers' uniforms were made of a very poor quality thin cloth (presumably because of the weather) which was far too bright a red. The helmets were obviously moulded plastic with the tan effect flaking off in places.
  • The British troops are shown to be firing Carbines, when they actually used Martini-Henry rifles.
Spoilers end here.

[edit] Reception

Despite having a large budget and being designed to complement the hugely successful film Zulu, the film was not well received and did not fare particularly well at the box office. Although the film is slanted more towards the British in terms of screen time, its sympathies lie more with the Zulus, which may have confused audiences as to who the film's heroes are. Other films about military defeats, such as Tora! Tora! Tora! and A Bridge Too Far, have also tended to be unsuccessful at the box office.

[edit] Related titles

Zulu Dawn is a prequel to another film set during the early stages of the Anglo-Zulu War; Zulu released in 1964. Zulu depicts the Battle of Rorke's Drift, and was also written and co-directed by Cy Enfield.

[edit] External links