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Zopyrus (ca. 500 B.C.) was a Persian noblemen mentioned in Herodotus' Histories.

He was son of Megabyzus, who helped Darius I in his ascension. When Babylon revolted against the rule of Darius I, Zopyrus devised a plan to regain control of the vital city. By cutting off his own face and ears, and then having himself whipped, he arrived at the court of Darius. He told the ruler of his plan: He would go before the people of Babylon and proclaim himself an exile punished by Darius. Gaining their trust, he soon was placed as commander-in-chief of their army, allowing him to weaken the cities' defenses. With this, Darius' armies obtained victory and reconquered the city. Zopyrus was made satrap.

The problem with this story is that the story looks suspiciously like Homer's description of Odysseus, who was able to spy in Troy after mutilating himself. Another problem is that no Zopyrus is mentioned as satrap of Babylon in the cuneiform sources.

According to Herodotus, Zopyrus had a son named Megabyzus.

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