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Zoalene (3,5-dinitro-o-toluamide, or 2-methyl-3,5-dinitrobenzamide) is a fodder additive for poultry, used to prevent coccidiosis infections. Its CAS number is [148-01-6] and its SMILES structure is Cc1c(C(N)=O) cc([N+]([O-])=O) cc1[N+]([O-])=O. It is also known under trade names, eg. Dinitolmide, Coccidine A, Coccidot, and Zoamix.

Zoalene is usually added to feed in doses of 125 ppm (preventive) or 250 ppm (curative). It is a broad-spectrum anticoccidial drug, preventing seven main strains of Eimeria coccidium. It leaves no residues in tissues. It can be also used to prevent coccidiosis of domestic rabbits.

If zoalene is held at 120-125 °C for 24 hours or longer, it may react and self-heat and even explode.