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The correct title of this article is znanost.org. The initial letter is shown capitalized due to technical restrictions.

Society znanost.org is a NGO operating mainly in Croatia. Its main focus is in promoting education, science and knowledge-based values. The word znanost in Croatian means "science". ...


[edit] Notable members

  • Damir Kovačić - current president
  • Executive board members: Ana Bedalov, Slaven Garaj (vice-president), Mario Jurić, Teuta Piližota, Robert Skenderović, Dejan Vinković
  • Board of overseers: Hrvoje Meštrić, Damir Pajić, Josip Stepanić

[edit] History

znanost.org was founded in February 2002 by a group of a recent graduates from the University of Zagreb, Croatia. Activities during the first year and a half of operation were mostly limited to providing popular science texts. The first major step towards a broader public engagement was the participation in organization of the First Croatian Science Festival for the Croatian national daily newspaper Vjesnik.

[1]. The society was contracted by the organizers (Technical Museum in Zagreb, British Council Croatia and the former Croatian Ministry of Science and Technology, since early 2004 part of the Ministry of Science, Education and Sports) to build a web site and help organize media coverage for the event.

[edit] Activities

Projects include:

A scientific paper Towards quantitative tools for analysing qualitative properties of virtual communities [2] published in INDECS 2(2) contains a simple quantitative analysis of the inner dynamics of znanost.org between March 2003 and January 2004.

[edit] See also

[edit] External links