Zipper Harris

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Zipper Harris is a character in the long-running American comic strip Doonesbury.

Zipper Harris
Zipper Harris

He is the nephew of Zonker Harris, the son of Zonker's sister (who has never been shown). Zipper idolizes his uncle and seeks to follow in his footsteps. The fact that Zonker is a penniless, wasted former hippie who ekes out a living by babysitting and mooching does not deter him.

Zipper attends Walden College, the alma mater of most of the adult characters. His roommate was Jeff Redfern, and the two of them were constantly scheming to strike it rich with as little work as possible. Success fell into their reach a couple of times, including once when Jeff accidentally obtained a priceless antique scroll, and once when Zipper thought up, the overstock trading site that Mike and Alex Doonesbury and Kim Rosenthal now own.

They ended getting just a few hundred bucks for the scroll (from Honey Huan, who didn't know what it was really worth), and a mere $5000 for the site (which is now worth a fortune), but their losses never seemed to deter them, possibly because they couldn't be bothered to stop playing video games long enough to worry about it. Other, less successful schemes have involved putting a live feed from Dick Cheney's pacemaker on the internet, and promoting their own presidential candidate.

Jeff has since graduated, an act for which Zipper considers him a traitor.

Zipper plays on the Walden football team, and had a girlfriend named Cricket, who has since graduated from Walden, earned a law degree, and is now married with a child. He almost never attends class, and has gone almost eight years without declaring a major or making it past freshman. He is apparently currently working under the misapprehension that Alex Doonesbury is his girlfriend, an idea that she is not fond of.