Ziegler School of Rabbinic Studies

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The Ziegler School of Rabbinic Studies, informally known as the "Ziegler School" or simply "Ziegler", is the graduate program of study leading to Ordination as Conservative Rabbis at the University of Judaism. Founded in 1996 as a full-fledged program of Rabbinic ordination on the West Coast - the first independent rabbinical school on the West Coast - it ordained its first class in 1999. It is located in Los Angeles and has ordained about 100 rabbis, about half of them women. The School attracts an international student body, with students from Australia, Brazil, England, Canada, France, Israel, Mexico, and Uganda, as well as from every region of the United States. Upon ordination, Ziegler rabbis serve in every sector of the United States and Israel. Ziegler rabbis are automatically admitted to the international Rabbinical Assembly.

[edit] The Mission Statement of the Ziegler School

The Ziegler School of Rabbinic Studies fosters an unprecedented blend of academic rigor, emotional warmth and openness, traditional and innovative spirit in the service of God, Torah, and Israel. The School fuses the methods and findings of the academic study of Judaism with the fervor and devotion of traditional study and observance. The School focuses on the journey of each rabbinical student to produce extraordinary rabbis to lead the Jewish people in a renaissance of talmud Torah (learning), shmirat mitzvot (observance), and gemillut hesed (acts of social justice and personal compassion). In this way, the School strengthens and energizes Conservative Judaism and Klal Yisrael.

[edit] Selected Administration & Faculty

Rabbi Aaron Alexander
Rabbi Bradley Shavit Artson
Dr. Aryeh Cohen
Rabbi Elliot Dorff
Reb Mimi Feigelson
Dr. Pinchas Giller
Dr. Miriyam Glazer
Dr. Gail Labovitz
Dr. David Lieber
Rabbi Cheryl Peretz
Dr. Robert Wexler
Dr. Ron Wolfson
Dr. Ziony Zevit
