Zhou Daguan

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This is a Chinese name; the family name is Zhou.
Chinese: 周达观
Pinyin: Zhou Daguan
Wade-Giles: Chao Ta-Kuan

Zhou Daguan (1266-1346 A.D.) was a Chinese diplomat under the Emperor Chengzong of Yuan China. He is most well known for his accounts of the customs of Cambodia and the Angkor temple complexes during his visit there. He arrived at Angkor in August of 1296, and remained at the court of King Srindravarman until July 1297. He was neither the first nor the last Chinese representative to visit Kambuja. However, his stay is notable because Zhou Daguan later wrote a detailed report on life in Angkor. His portrayal is today one of the most important sources of understanding of historical Angkor and the Khmer Empire. Alongside descriptions of several great temples, such as the Bayon, the Baphuon, Angkor Wat, and others, the text also offers valuable information on the everyday life and the habits of the inhabitants of Angkor.


[edit] The Voyage of Zhou Daguan

On 20th of February 1296, Zhou Daguan set sail from Wen Zhou of Zhejiang province, on a compass guided ship, passed the ports of Fuzhou,Guangzhou, Quanzhou(Zaitong) and Hainan, sailed pass Taya Island, Annam,Qui Nhon,Baria,Poulo Condor,Can tien then headed north on the Meikong River reached the town of Kampong Chnam of Cambodia; from there he boarded a small boat, sailed for a dozen of days,then through Tonle Sap Lake and arrived at Angkor Thom, the capital of Cambodia in August.

[edit] Description of Angkor Thom

Zhou Daguan wrote that the city had five gates with multiple doorways, only the east side had two gates, the rest had one gate. The city was surrounded by a wide moat crossed by bridges with scultpures of 54 figures pulling a nine head naga. On top of the city gate there were five buddha heads, four of them facing four directions, the one at the center was gilted with gold. "The city is square in shape, with four towers at each corner; the city gates are guarded, open at day and closed at night, dogs and convicts are barred from entering the city".

[edit] Description of the Palace

Zhou Daguan wrote that the Palace was at the north of the golden bridge and the golden tower, and the Palace was facing the east direction. The main hall of the Palace was covered with lead tires, the rest had clay tiles.

[edit] Description of the Khmer People

Zhou Daguan wrote that both men and women had their chests exposed, walked barefooted and wore only a piece of cloth wrapping around their waists. He reported that the common women had no hair ornaments, though some wore golden rings or bracelets. Beautiful women were apparently sent into the court to serve the king or his royal family at his whim. Interestingly, he stated that all trades in were carried out by women. In the market place, there were no buildings, but rather the female vendors would sell their wares on large mats that were spread on the ground. The space in the market also apparently required a rent to be paid to the officials. He stated that the Khmer people didn't have tables or chairs in their homes, and not even what the Chinese considered to be bowls or buckets. They reportedly cooked their food in earthen pots used for boiling rice and for preparing soup. Their ladle sticks were made from coconut shells and soup was then served into a tiny bowl made from woven leaves, which were apparently waterproof.

He also recorded a royal procession of King Indravarman III with a sacred sword in hand :

When the king goes out, troops are at the head of the escort; then come flags, banners and music. Palace women, numbering from three to five hundred, wearing flowered cloth, with flowers in their hair, hold candles in their hands, and form a troupe. Even in broad daylight, the candles are lighted. Then come other palace women, carrying lances and shields, the king's private guards, and carts drawn by goats and horses, all in gold, come next. Ministers and princes are mounted on elephants, and in front of them one can see, from afar, their innumerable red umbrellas. After them come the wives and concubines of the king, in palanquins, carriages, on horseback and on elephants. They have more than one hundred parasols, flecked with gold. Behind them comes the sovereign, standing on an elephant, holding his sacred sword in his hand. The elephant's tusks are encased in gold.

Zhou Daguan's book was first translated into French by sinologist Jean-Pierre Abel-Rémusat in 1819 then by Paul Pelliot in 1902. Paul Pelliot's translation was later used as a base for re-translation into English and German.

[edit] Literature

  • PAUL PELLIOT: Mémoires sur les coutumes du Cambodge de Tcheou Ta-Kouan
  • Chou Ta-Kuan, The Customs of Cambodia, transl. by John Gilman d'Arcy Paul, Bangkok: Social Science Association Press, 1967.
  • Chou Ta-Kuan, The Customs of Cambodia, transl. by John Gilman d'Arcy Paul, Bangkok: The Siam Society 1993.
  • Zhou Daguan, The Customs of Cambodia, transl. by Michael Smithies, Bangkok: The Siam Society, 2001.
  • Zhou Daguan, The Customs of Cambodia, transl. by John Gilman d'Arcy Paul, Phnom Penh: Indochina Books 2007.
  • Zhou Daguan, Sitten in Kambodscha. Leben und Alltag in Angkor im 13. Jahrhundert. Indochina Books, Phnom Penh, 3. Auflage 2006.
  • Chou Ta-Kuan: Sitten in Kambodscha. Über das Leben in Angkor im 13. Jahrhundert. Keller und Yamada. 2. Auflage. Angkor Verlag, Frankfurt 2006. ISBN 3-936018-42.
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