Zhi yin

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Acupuncture treatment
Acupuncture treatment

[edit] Definition

Zhi yin is an acupoint, a point of the skin that is stimulated, with various techniques, in the practice of acupuncture.

[edit] Location

Zhi yin is located at the tip of the fifth toe.

[edit] Therapeutic uses and scientific validation

One randomized controlled trial studied a classical TCM treatment for breech birth (i.e., buttocks-first orientation of the baby, which is much riskier than head-first). The study showed that moxibustion at acupoint BL 67 (aka UB 67), located at the tip of the fifth toe, was more effective than placebo at reducing the incidence of breech birth. An EBM review by Cochrane said that that more data were needed before recommendations on clinical effectiveness could be made.

[edit] References