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Zephiel (ゼフィール), king of Bern, is the main villain from the video game Fire Emblem: The Sealed Sword. He also appears in the following game, Fire Emblem as a younger, then-innocent prince. In The Sealed Sword, Zephiel seeks to conquer the land of Elibe. Zephiel is the son of Desmond, King of Bern, and Hellene, a princess from another country, Etruria.

Spoiler warning: Plot and/or ending details follow.

[edit] Zephiel in Blazing Sword

Even at a young age, Zephiel was extremely talented and far more popular with the common folk than his father. It was because of this that Desmond became extremely jealous of his son, and contracted the Black Fang assassins to kill him out of fear that Zephiel would depose him. Zephiel, however, had no intention of deposing his father, nor any wish beyond reuniting his family. In the end, the assassination plot was foiled by Eliwood's army and the prince was saved.

[edit] Zephiel in Sword of Seals

Fifteen years later, Desmond made a more direct attempt at killing his son by passing an adult Zephiel a goblet of poisoned wine during a banquet. However, the poison failed to kill Zephiel, and the prince was secretly nursed back to health by his armsman, Murdock. Shattered by his father's betrayal, Zephiel continued the ruse of his death and stayed hidden while Murdock scheduled a funeral. When Desmond approached his coffin, Zephiel rose and drew a hidden blade, cutting down his father.

With Desmond dead, Zephiel became ruler of Bern. Based on his own experience, he reached the conclusion that humans were essentially weak, untrustworthy, and vile, and so he sought a way that he could fix the world. He ultimately felt that the solution was to return the world to the dominion of the dragons, and it is this plot which dominates the events of Sword of Seals. His sister Guinivere, however, strongly desired peace, so she and her lady-in-waiting Ellen escaped from Bern and sought the help of Roy.

Near the end of the game, Roy's army launches a full assault on Zephiel's castle in Bern. In the end, Zephiel is slain in battle with Roy's forces. However, he never gives up his belief that the world would be better off out of the hands of humans.

[edit] Character statistics

As the final opponent of Fire Emblem: Sword of Seals, Zephiel boasts the highest stat maximums of any class. He himself is extremely strong, tough, and skilled, and uses a unique blade only he can wield called Exaccus, which can deliver ranged damage as well as melee attacks. Upon his defeat, it is revealed that Exaccus is actually the divine weapon of Hartmut, the founder of Bern.