List of Power Rangers: Zeo monsters

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This page is a list of monsters seen in Power Rangers: Zeo. These monsters are mechanical constructs and were used by members of the Machine Empire. To make a monster grow during this season, Klank would spin and launch Orbus onto the monster, then Orbus would emit a beam onto the fallen monster, who would then get up and grow. NOTE: The voice actors for all monsters listed this season are uncredited.


[edit] Monster List

Here is the list of the monsters used by the Machine Empire:

[edit] Staroid


Staroid is a star-shaped robot monster of the Machine Empire in Power Rangers. Staroid was an enormous humanoid robot with a large star on its back. He can radiate destructive lightning, and fire power blasts from his arms. Staroid's top segment of the star on his back can detach and transform into a boomerang of destructive energy. He has the ability to transform into a large metal sphere. As a sphere, Staroid is practically invulnerable to any attack. Staroid was chosen to lead the Machine Empire's initial invasion due to his battle prowess. He initially overwhelmed the Zeozords until they combined into the Zeo Megazord. Staroid was destroyed by the Zeo Megazord's Saber.

[edit] Silo


Silo is a robot rocket monster used by the Machine Empire. In a junkyard in Angel Grove, Cogs were using spare parts to construct the body of Silo; where they obtained the parts for the missiles or the rocket fuel for his flight is unknown. Silo's body looked exactly like the robot fighters in the computer game Rocky and Jennifer were designing at the time the Cogs were finishing up Silo's construction. Giant Silo shot chains from his stomach, which wrapped around the Zeo Megazord. Giant Silo used the rockets on his back to fly, pulling the Zeo Megazord into space. Giant Silo threw the Zeo Megazord toward the sun and then returned to Earth. But much to his (and King Mondo's) surprise, the Rangers were able to bring the Zeo Megazord back to Earth and finish off Silo. The Zeo Megazord Saber destroyed giant Silo.

But he wasn't done yet. Silo was resurrected as a monster who received the Neo-Plutonium Armor in "A Golden Homecoming" (and in fact was the first monster to be sent to Earth to battle the Rangers after getting his upgrade). After growing into a giant, he crushed Detective Jerome Stone's car with his foot (luckily Bulk and Skull were able to make it out of there on time). After the Rangers received their new Super Zeo Zords, Tommy took the fight (from inside his Super Zeo Zord) with Silo into outer space, where he then destroyed Silo with a saber slash right through the monster's midsection.

Silo was seen again as an audience member in the Machine Arena.

[edit] Boohoo the Clown

Boohoo the Clown
Boohoo the Clown
  • First Appearance: "For Cryin' Out Loud" (4/27/96)
  • Voice Actor: Michael Sorich

Boohoo the Clown is a robot clown monster used by the Machine Empire. It can emit high frequency sound waves extremely painful to the human ear. Boohoo's weapons are his cane that can project energy blasts, his tambourine that can project bolts of lightning, his exploding baby bottles, and his arm-mounted sword. Boohoo's head can lift itself exposing an array which fires laser beams. Boohoo was dispatched from the Machine Empire to enhance the frequency and amplitude of baby Joey's voice to make the sound waves extremely destructive. It was destroyed by the Zeo Megazord.

[edit] People Pitcher

People Pitcher
People Pitcher
  • First Appearance: "Rangers in the Outfield" (4/29/96)

A robot-pitching machine monster used by the Machine Empire. Trapped Rocky inside of him until Tommy freed him. Killed by Zeo Megazord. People Pitcher was among the Machine Empire's monsters to receive the Neo-Plutonium Armor, but wasn't used.

[edit] Digster


Digster is a robot-excavation monster used by the Machine Empire. Digster has a small mechanoid with a mind of its own on top of his head as well. Digster was destroyed by the Zeo Megazord.

[edit] Puppetman

  • First Appearance: "The Puppet Blaster" (5/1/96)
  • Voice Actor: Paul Pistore

Originally a robot created to entertain children alongside Captain Pete, Puppetman was transformed by the Machine Empire (a Cog placed an evil cog on Puppetman's backside) into an evil, destructive warrior who used his mind-altering powers to cause strong unruliness in the children. The Rangers arrived on the scene, but Puppetman used the hypnotized children as shields, knowing full well that the Rangers wouldn't attack the children. Puppetman then escaped to a satellite station where he intended to amplify his mind-altering powers and use them on all the children of Angel Grove. The Rangers regrouped at the Power Chamber where they learned of their newest weapon - the Defender Wheel, which would be piloted by Tommy. They then arrived at the satellite station, and Puppetman put up a fight against the Rangers, but was taken down by Tommy in the Defender Wheel. Unfortunately, Klank used Orbus to make Puppetman grow, and the Rangers called on the Zeo Megazord. At the Power Chamber, Billy discovered that the powerful link between Puppetman and the Machine Empire was coming from Puppetman's nose, and told the Rangers that destroying the nose would cause Puppetman to lose his power. The Zeo Megazord's Saber did just that, and after the nose was cut off, the evil Puppetman, who was now nearly powerless, was destroyed by the finishing blow from the Zeo Megazord Saber. Later, the original Puppetman resurfaced (actually, Alpha 5 rebuilt him just in time for the next Captain Pete show, except he's now invulnerable to mind control), nose and all.

[edit] Leaky Faucet

Leaky Faucet
Leaky Faucet
  • First Appearance: "Invasion of the Ranger Snatchers" (5/2/96)
  • Voice Actor: Ezra Weisz

A robot faucet monster used by the Machine Empire. Originally brought in as an extra monster the Rangers battled on one of the movie sets. Merged with Pumpkin Sorcerer, Shower Monster, and Traffic Sign Monster to form the eye in front of Bucket of Bolts.

He was later resurrected and used to contaminate the Earth's water supply with toxic oil. He would do this by traveling through pipes underground to get to his planned destination. Billy pointed out that this version of Leaky Faucet was more lethal than the first one. Ultimately though, the monster fell victim to the Zeo Ultrazord.

Leaky Faucet, 2nd appearance
Leaky Faucet, 2nd appearance

In his second appearance in the episode "Oily to Bed, Oily to Rise," Leaky Faucet wore a blue hat rather than a yellow one.

[edit] Pumpkin Sorcerer

Pumpkin Sorcerer
Pumpkin Sorcerer
  • First Appearance: "Invasion of the Ranger Snatchers" (5/2/96)

A robot Jack O'Lantern monster used by the Machine Empire. Merged with Leaky Faucet, Shower Monster, and Traffic Sign Monster to form the eye in front of Bucket of Bolts.

[edit] Video Vulture

  • First Appearance: "Invasion of the Ranger Snatchers" (5/2/96)
  • Voice Actor: Dave Mallow

A vulture with a camera for a head, Video Vulture transported the Rangers to Prince Sprocket's movie dimension, and was later used to broadcast the gladiator-like games at Prince Gasket's arena across the universe.

[edit] Shower Monster

Shower Monster
Shower Monster
  • First Appearance: "Invasion of the Ranger Snatchers" (5/2/96)

A robot shower monster used by the Machine Empire. Merged with Leaky Faucet, Pumpkin Sorcerer, and Traffic Sign Monster to form the eye in front of Bucket of Bolts.

[edit] Traffic Sign Monster

Traffic Sign Monster
Traffic Sign Monster
  • First Appearance: "Invasion of the Ranger Snatchers" (5/2/96)

A robot traffic sign monster used by the Machine Empire. Merged with Leaky Faucet, Pumpkin Sorcerer, and Shower Monster to form the eye in front of Bucket of Bolts.

[edit] Bucket of Bolts

Bucket of Bolts
Bucket of Bolts
  • First Appearance: "Invasion of the Ranger Snatchers" (5/2/96)

A robot train monster used by the Machine Empire. Its eye is formed from the power of Leaky Faucet, Video Vulture, Pumpkin Sorcerer, Shower Monster, and Traffic Sign Monster. In giant form, he turns himself into a train. Killed by Zeo Megazord when the Megazord sliced the track apart with its saber, causing the Bucket of Bolts train to fall to his doom below.

[edit] Hydro Contaminators

Hydro Contaminator
Hydro Contaminator
  • First Appearance: "Graduation Blues" (5/4/96)
  • Voice Actor: Dan Woren

A group of aliens who attacked Aquitar by dumping poison into its waters. One came to Earth by following Cestro and planned to contaminate Earth's water supply. That Hydro Contaminator was destroyed by the Zeo Blaster.

He was resurrected (or if not, another one was used) and seen to receive the Neo-Plutonium Armor in "A Golden Homecoming" but that's the last we've seen of him as he wasn't sent to battle in that episode for some reason.

[edit] Adrian and Pollenator (Plant Monsters)

Adrian (left) and Pollenator (right)
Adrian (left) and Pollenator (right)
  • First Appearance: "A Few Bad Seeds" (5/6/96)

Two plant monsters created from Rocky's mutant plant by King Mondo. Pollenator spoke very much like Sylvester Stallone in the Rocky movies, and Adrian had a European accent of some sort. They are hesitant to follow orders from Mondo, but they oblige when they are threatened. They refer to each other as "cousins" and they care for each other. In the battlefield, they seem to argue as well, losing concentration of the matter at hand. However, together they are a formidable force, creating multiple blasts and attacks that cause mass havoc. After some dissention between Pollenator and Adrian, it was determined that Pollenator would take on the Rangers alone (it is unknown what happened to Adrian after all this). He attacked Rocky DeSantos, Blue Zeo Ranger, when he was alone and put a spell on him that would slowly begin to turn Rocky into a plant. After Rocky was restored at the Power Chamber (by way of getting sprayed with pure oxygen, upon his suggestion), he joined the other Rangers in their fight against Pollenator, and told them to load pure oxygen into their Zeo Laser Pistols (and Rocky did the same). They then used this new firepower to eliminate Pollenator once and for all.

[edit] Fortissimodo

  • First Appearance: "Instrument of Destruction" (5/7/96)
  • Voice Actor: Scott Page-Pagter

A robot piano monster used by the Machine Empire after King Mondo created it from Angel Grove High's piano, for the intent of capturing the "mysterious piano player". In giant mode he was also lethal (he shot out explosive musical notes), but in the end things played a different tune for him as he was eliminated by the Zeo Megazord's saber swipe.

He was back again as an audience member in Prince Gasket's Machine Arena.

[edit] Mean Screen

Mean Screen
Mean Screen
  • First Appearance: "Mean Screen" (5/8/96)

A robot computer virus monster used by the Machine Empire. He was capable of absorbing the information on all of the Power Rangers' weapons (and even the Zords) and then able to use their own firepower on them. His screen was his main source of power. In giant mode, his screen was shattered by the pyramid power of the Zeo Megazord, which was equipped with Zeo 3 Power Helmet. Now completely defenseless, Mean Screen was shut down by the Zeo Megazord Saber slash.

He returned as an audience member in Prince Gasket's Machine Arena.

[edit] Mechanizer

  • First Appearance: "Mr. Billy's Wild Ride" (5/11/96)
  • Voice Actor: Eddie Frierson

A robot monster used by the Machine Empire. Torched the building he fought the Rangers in and apparently never got out.

If he did in fact die in the blaze, then he was resurrected. If he didn't, he was just plain brought back. But in either case, in the episode "A Golden Homecoming", he received the Neo-Plutonium Armor from King Mondo and was later sent to Earth to fight the Rangers - as a giant. He ended up getting destroyed by Super Zeo Zords 1 and 2.

[edit] Robocupid

  • First Appearance: "There's No Business Like Snow Business, Part 1" (5/13/96)

A feminine love robot that specialised in the power to make humans develop obsessive attractions to nearby mechanical appliances. Even Robocupid is affected by her own powers, as one of her beams reflects back at her and becomes attracted to Klank. Killed by Zeo Megazord.

[edit] Defoliator

  • First Appearance: "There's No Business Like Snow Business, Part 3" (5/15/96)
  • Voice Actor: Richard Epcar

A robot scorpion monster used by the Machine Empire to make the weather scorching hot in Angel Grove. He was killed by Zeo Megazord at first, or so it seemed. As it turned out he was only reduced to normal size, and while the weather did cool down after the Zeo Megazord's victory, Defoliator started a new attack on Angel Grove and the Rangers. Zordon pointed out that the Rangers could not risk Defoliator growing again, and Billy powered up the Zeo Blaster for such an occasion. The Rangers took down Defoliator for good this time with their Zeo Blaster.

[edit] Main Drain

Main Drain
Main Drain
  • First Appearance: "Inner Spirit" (5/16/96)

An energy draining robot monster used by the Machine Empire. The first monster to ever break a Megazord saber. Killed by Red Battlezord.

He was seen later in Prince Gasket's Machine Arena.

[edit] Punch-A-Bunch

  • First Appearance: "Challenges" (5/18/96)
  • Voice Actor: Bob Papenbrook

A robot boxing monster used by the Machine Empire. In a battle with Adam, the Green Ranger, he is able to turn Adam into a trophy. Killed by Red Battlezord. He does come back as part of the audience in the Machine Arena.

[edit] Mace Face

Mace Face
Mace Face
  • First Appearance: "Found and Lost" (5/20/96)
  • Voice Actor: Brad Orchard

A spiked robot monster used by the Machine Empire. He had two forms: his regular spiked monster form, and the form of a spiked ball. He was the first monster to be killed by the Zeo Mega Battlezord.

He was seen again among the audience in the Machine Arena.

[edit] Autochthon

  • First Appearance: "Brother, Can You Spare An Arrowhead?" (9/9/96)
  • Voice Actor: Richard Epcar

An ancient evil spirit accidentally awakened by Tommy's brother David Trueheart. Also known as Top Gun. Originally overpowered the Zeo Megazord and Red Battlezord, but was killed by Zeo Mega Battlezord.

[edit] Defector

  • First Appearance: "Trust in Me" (9/10/96)

A deceptive robot monster created from Machine Empire scrap parts by Klank and Orbus. King Mondo ordered Defector to make friends with the Power Rangers, and Defector would aim to do just that, aiding the Rangers on Earth with different situations. He even saved a dog from being run over by a car on the street. Later, King Mondo and an army of Cogs and Quadrafighters launched an attack on the Rangers and Defector. Then, Klank appeared with a remote control with a dial. He turned the dial on it, emitting blinding beams of light that would cause Defector to hold his head in pain. Rocky went to see if the monster was all right, and the monster responded by attacking Rocky and the other Rangers! That is when the Rangers found out that Defector was working for the Machine Empire the whole time. Rocky then went on the attack, and soon afterwards Tommy called on the Defender Wheel. Rocky, who felt responsible for the whole thing, volunteered to pilot the Defender Wheel, and Tommy accepted. Rocky then piloted the wheel to zoom straight into Defector, destroying him in a huge explosion and reducing him to spare parts once more.

[edit] Drill Master

Drill Master
Drill Master
  • First Appearance: "It Came From Angel Grove" (9/11/96)
  • Voice Actor: Dan Woren

Originally a monster from Adam's dream who battled (alongside a Quadrafighter in land mobility) and was defeated by Tommy, Drill Master was built for real by the Machine Empire as one of the newly improved robot warriors that received the Neo-Plutonium Armor. He was destroyed in an underwater battle by Super Zeo Zord IV.

[edit] Googleheimer the Toy Robot

  • First Appearance: "Bulk Fiction" (9/12/96)
  • Voice Actor: Dave Mallow

A robot toy monster used by Prince Sprocket. Despite his somewhat silly appearance, he was a deadly adversary. The Rangers did take him down with the Zeo Cannon (which was introduced in this episode), but it wasn't enough as Klank and Orbus made the monster grow. During the Megazord battle, the monster trapped the Zeo Megazord in what looked like silly string. The Red Battlezord came to the rescue and bailed out the Zeo Megazord. After the two zords merged to become the Zeo Mega Battlezord, playtime was definitely over for the monster when he got decimated by the Zeo Mega Battlezord's finishing move. (Googleheimer was apparently accepted as the monster's name by the PR fanbase - his name was really never said on TV, the only name said on TV was Toy Boy, but that appeared to merely be namecalling.)

The monster appeared again as an audience member in the Machine Arena.

[edit] Wrecking Ball

Wrecking Ball
Wrecking Ball
  • First Appearance: "Song Sung Yellow" (9/13/96)

A robot wrecking ball monster controlled by Prince Sprocket as a birthday gift to Sprocket. Sprocket controlled the monster's movements at the Machine Empire home base for a while, then King Mondo sent him down to Earth (in an advanced battle mode) to attack Angel Grove. Wrecking Ball already was a giant when landing on Earth. Tommy, Rocky, Adam and Katherine were being attacked by Cogs but they couldn't call for the Zeo Megazord since Tanya was in the midst of a singing talent competition. Tommy then decided to call on his Red Battlezord to take the monster on while the other three Rangers battled the Cogs. Wrecking Ball proved to be a tough adversary but in the end Tommy prevailed by executing the Red Battlezord's spin move on the monster, destroying him. He did return, however, amongst the audience in Prince Gasket's Machine Arena.

[edit] Admiral Abominator

Admiral Abominator
Admiral Abominator
  • First Appearance: "Game of Honor" (9/16/96)
  • Voice Actor: Ezra Weisz

A robot admiral monster used by the Machine Empire. He and his army of Cogs held Bulk and Skull prisoner in the forest until the Rangers came to free them. The admiral wielded a sword and also had a bed of spikes built in underneath his coat, and during battle (as the Rangers were getting beaten by the Cogs), he tried to impale Katherine with it, but Tommy saved her, and Katherine knocked him out with her Pink Power Shield. Klank and Orbus rushed onto the scene and made him grow. Cue the Zeo Megazord and the Red Battlezord. The Red Battlezord delivered a flurry of punches to the admiral, and then the Zeo Megazord, armed with Zeo 1 Power Helmet, blasted the admiral, both of which had little effect on the monster. The Rangers then called for the formation of the Zeo MegaBattlezord and used its fierce firepower to put Admiral Abominator out of his misery.

He was seen again among the massive monster/Cog audience in the Machine Arena. He later appears in Divatox´s army.

[edit] Wolfbane

  • First Appearance: "The Power of Gold" (9/17/96)
  • Voice Actor: Steve Kramer

A wolf monster used by the Machine Empire. He was sent down (after numerous large armies of Cogs) to ambush the Rangers during their split-up investigation of a distress signal. When it looked like Wolfbane had the Rangers beaten, he and the Cogs were teleported out of battle in order for King Mondo to figure out what it was that was heading for Earth, and the Rangers tried to figure out the same back at the Power Chamber. Later, as the Rangers had split up again to track down the structure that was heading towards Earth, they were attacked by Cogs again, with the party of Rocky, Katherine and Tanya getting ambushed by Wolfbane. Eventually, Tommy and Adam were able to join them but Wolfbane was just too much for them. Suddenly, Gold Ranger appeared for the very first time and was able to take out the Cogs and Wolfbane. As the Rangers tried to figure out who the Gold Ranger was, Orbus, who was sent down to Earth by Klank, revived Wolfbane and made him into, quite literally, a big bad wolf! The Rangers called for the Zeo Megazord and then the Red Battlezord, and took on Wolfbane with all they had, but unfortunately, Wolfbane had more than enough power to knock the Rangers out of their zords. Gold Ranger, who was watching the battle, then confronted Wolfbane by calling for his personal ship, Pyramidas. Wolfbane fired at Pyramidas, but it did him no good in the end, as Pyramidas fired a powerful lightning bolt that exterminated Wolfbane. The destruction caused a rockslide that the other Zeo Rangers had to avoid, and when it cleared, they found no trace of Gold Ranger, leaving them to wonder, "who is he?"

[edit] Tarantabot

  • First Appearance: "A Small Problem" (9/19/96)

A robot tarantula monster used by the Machine Empire. After being temporarily KOed by the Zeo Cannon, Orbus made him grow to giant size. Later on, after growing, he makes short work of the Zeo Megazord and Red Battlezord, preparing to have them for lunch, and then Pyramidas frees them just in time. They form the Zeo Ultrazord and Tarantabot quivers in fear while staring up in awe before being killed by Zeo Ultrazord which was four times taller than him and probably twenty-five times bigger or more as well, almost like a large spider vs. a heavily armored and armed to the teeth human.

[edit] Somnibot

Somnibot's First Form
Somnibot's First Form
  • First Appearance: "Rock-a-Bye Power Rangers" (9/23/96)
  • Voice Actor: Barbara Goodson

A monster whose powers were to put both human and machine into a deep sleep with her beautiful voice. She is dressed in a sleeping cap, her eyes are tired and weary, and in her first (and most adorable) form she speaks and sings with an occasional yawn in her voice. Defeated in her first battle by the Gold Ranger, Somnibot returned with a power amplifier where her face used to be, making her sleeping spell much stronger (even the Gold Ranger was no match for it) and her attitude much nastier. Later grown to giant size, but didn't stand much of a chance against the Zeo Ultrazord. Although she tried to talk tough to the hulking Zeo Ultrazord, she was killed for good by Zeo Ultrazord.

Her special power is the ability to use her lullabies to put anyone—children and adults alike—to sleep for unknown amounts of time. Her songs even maker her sleepy, at least when she is in her first form. Although King Mondo implies that she sings many lullabies ("Somnibot's lullabies will send all of Angel Grove into a deep sleep!"), the only one she sings in Rock-a-Bye Baby (she even sings a slight parody of it and even hums the melody as well). Also, she attempted to actually hypnotize the Zeo Rangers, as well as sing them into a dreamy sleep.

[edit] Borax and the Varoxes

Borax the Varox
Borax the Varox
  • First Appearance: "Do I Know You?" (9/27/96)
  • Voice Actor: Bob Papenbrook (Borax)

Varoxes are bounty hunters who seek the powers of Pyramidas and its pilot; namely, the Gold Ranger. A Varox named Borax landed on Earth in pursuit of the Gold Ranger, then allied with King Mondo upon learning that he was out to destroy the Power Rangers. After the Gold Ranger staved off a Cog attack on the other Rangers, the Rangers tried to find out who Gold Ranger was, but that is when Borax attacked. Of course, Gold Ranger recognized Borax right away and was set to attack him, but then Borax fired some fireball-like energy that greatly weakened Gold Ranger. The Zeo Rangers then loaded up the Zeo Cannon and blasted Borax with it. The Rangers tried to help the Gold Ranger who at this point fainted, but on a nearby mountain Klank and Orbus appeared and did their usual deed to make the monster grow. As Alpha 5 teleported Gold Ranger to the Power Chamber, the Zeo Rangers called for the Zeo Megazord to fight giant Borax. They had their way with him early on in battle, and then Borax went to the underground and soon knocked down the Zeo Megazord in a surprise attack. He then leapt out of the underground, poised to strike at the Zeo Megazord, but the Rangers retaliated by striking Borax with the Zeo Megazord saber, leaving him weakened and stunned. Then the Zeo Megazord got up, charged its saber to full power, and landed the devastating final blow on Borax, causing him to explode in a massive ball of fire and smoke.

In the next episode ("Revelations of Gold") the other Varoxes chased after Gold Ranger (who was piloting Pyramidas) in space with their own spaceships. One of them fired a laser that struck Pyramidas and sent it hurtling to Earth (along with an unconscious Gold Ranger). They declared their mission accomplished and left the scene, never to be seen again.

NOTE: Barox's destruction doesn't appear to be caused by the Zeo Megazord saber slash, but instead by Pyramidas's lightning bolt attack.

[edit] Hosehead

  • First Appearance: "A Golden Homecoming"
  • Voice Actor: Dave Mallow

A floating robot monster with wiry arms used by the Machine Empire. It was among the monsters that received the Neo-Plutonium Armor. Killed by Super Zeo Zord 3.

NOTE: Hosehead may or may not have been the monster's name. Rocky only called the monster by said name, but whether or not that was the monster's name remains unclear.)

[edit] Tough Tusks

Tough Tusks
Tough Tusks
  • First Appearance: "Bomber in the Summer" (10/11/96)
  • Voice Actor: Michael Sorich

A robot elephant monster used by Louie Kaboom after being created from Emily's elephant-headed necklace. Killed by Super Zeo Megazord.

[edit] Stenchy

  • First Appearance: "Scent of a Weasel" (10/23/96)
  • Voice Actor: Brad Orchard

A robotic skunk monster used by Queen Machina. He emitted a foul odor from his tail and mouth that would stick on his victims. Killed by the Warrior Wheel.

He came back again as an audience member in Prince Gasket's Machine Arena. However, he was now missing his signature tail. He was later seen with Rita and Zedd's army.

[edit] Midas Monster

Midas Monster
Midas Monster
  • First Appearance: "The Ranger Who Came in From the Gold" (10/31/96)
  • Voice Actor: Dave Mallow

Based upon the fable of King Midas, this monster first appeared in the miniature form of a golden dog statue known as the Midas Hound. It could transform ordinary items into gold by rubbing, but soon began transforming things at random on its own. One of its victims was Jason, who became a lifeless statue of solid gold. When the Midas Hound was turned giant by Klank and Orbus, Tommy, Rocky, Tanya and Katherine called for their Super Zeo Zords, but unfortunately for them, in battle the Midas Hound goldarized parts of the Super Zeo Zords. After Jason was restored to normal at the Power Chamber, he went into battle using Pyramidas. He fired Pyramidas's powerful beam which then shattered the Midas Hound, but then the true Midas Monster revealed himself from underneath the Hound's shell, much to the Rangers' surprise. Tommy, still unable to control his partially-goldarized Super Zeo Zord, then called for the Red Battlezord, which was being piloted by Adam. Initially it tried to punch the Midas Monster, but that was a failure, since it eventually broke free and returned a few punches of its own. Adam was able to use the Battlezord to destroy the Midas Monster's Goldarizer, causing everything gold (including the Zords) to turn back to normal. An enraged Midas Monster then locked all the Zords up with chains and zapped them with electricity. The Rangers then called on the Zeo Megazord and used its saber to break the chains apart (this was the last appearance for the Zeo Saber, by the way), however it would not have even scratched the Midas Monster. They still needed a solution to get rid of the monster, and their answer was: the Zeo Ultrazord. It was just what they needed to blast this golden goon into permanent oblivion, defeating him very easily despite his immense power.

[edit] Cruel Chrome

Cruel Chrome
Cruel Chrome
  • First Appearance: "Where in the World is Zeo Ranger 5?" (11/6/96)

A robot monster created by Prince Gasket from Detective Jerome Stone's waverunner. He was able to fire a hazardous water-like substance on the Rangers from a hose-like weapon. After the Rangers returned from the Power Chamber (where they had received an antidote), they delivered a pounding to the monster, whose watery substance this time had no effect on the Rangers. Cruel Chrome then grew into a giant (and after doing so he grows spikes from his hands and feet). The Rangers called on their Super Zeo Zords (Super Zeo Zord 5 would be piloted via remote control). Cruel Chrome had the upper hand for a bit until Jason arrived in Pyramidas. He then called upon its power to create the Super Zeo Ultrazord, which then used its firepower to decimate Cruel Chrome like he was nothing. Prince Gasket was extremely dismayed by this defeat, saying he should've been king by now.

Cruel Chrome did come back, though, in the very next episode, "King For a Day", as a member of Gasket's Machine Arena.

[edit] Altor

  • First Appearance: "King for a Day, Part 1" (11/7/96)
  • Voice Actor: Kirk Thornton

A robot warrior used by Prince Gasket inside of his Machine Arena who temporarily used Tommy's skills and strength. He was a very tough adversary for Jason to deal with, but Jason was able to get inside his head and see if Tommy's mind was in there. Altor soon declared that he was Altor, signifying that he had lost Tommy's powers. Jason took this opportunity to destroy Altor using Altor's own staff.

[edit] Protectron

  • First Appearance: "A Brief Mystery of Time" (11/11/96)
  • Voice Actor: Richard Epcar

A robot monster used by Prince Gasket to guard the time-turning item (crystal ball) Chronosapios. He could blast a laser from his forehead. Killed by Super Zeo Megazord w/t Warrior Wheel.

[edit] Nuklifier

  • First Appearance: "A Mystery to Me" (11/14/96)
  • Voice Actor: Kirk Thornton

A robot monster used by Prince Gasket. Killed by Auric the Conqueror.

[edit] Mechaterpillar

  • First Appearance: "Another Song and Dance" (11/15/96)
  • Voice Actor: Brianne Siddall

A power robot caterpillar monster created by Prince Gasket using Jerome Stone's Mechaterpillar 3000, a fishing tool. During the giant battle against the Super Zeo Megazord, the monster also uses a divide-and-conquer tactic (on Prince Gasket's command) where the segments would separate and each have their own method of attack on the Rangers, ultimately knocking them out of the Super Zeo Megazord.

The Mechaterpillar causes mass havoc, attacking from all sides and devastating the zord. After the monster reassembles itself, Jason comes to the Rangers' aid in the nick of time and destroys the monster using Pyramidas.

[edit] Impursonator

  • First Appearance: "Rangers of Two Worlds, Part 1" (11/20/96)
  • Voice Actor: Wendee Lee

Impursonator was an accidental creation of Rita Repulsa's. Aiming a beam of magic at Katherine Hillard, Rita ended up blasting Kat's ugly purse, which she had made in her art class. Despite her comical appearance, Impursonator ended up being quite a powerful monster, surviving every attack made by the Zeozords. Even the Zeo Ultrazord barely scratched Impursonator, and the Rangers were forced to retreat. Impursonator later got control of the Super Zeo Megazord, and used it to battle the Zeo Megazord (which was being piloted by Cog Changer). While Impursonator was eventually tricked out of the Zord by the Rangers, she returned in full force, allied with Cog Changer and backed up by a large platoon of Cogs. Grown to giant size again, Impursonator was overwhelmed by the Super Zeozords, and in a last-ditch effort, combined with Cog Changer to form a super monster that was never named on-screen. It still wasn't enough, though, and this combined beast was destroyed by the Warrior Wheel.

Impursonator's rubbery skin made her nearly impervious to physical harm, as the rapid-fire punches of the Red BattleZord only briefly stunned her. She could fire pink lightning bolts from her hands, and had the ability to absorb the energy from any attack thrown at her. She could then use this energy to fire enhanced lightning blasts. Had the Zeo Ultrazord fired a double blast, it would have caused Impursinator to swell up so much that she exploded.

In Ninja Sentai Kakuranger, Impursonator is a male.

[edit] Cog Changer

Cog Changer
Cog Changer
  • First Appearance: "Rangers of Two Worlds, Part 1" (11/20/96)
  • Voice Actor: Michael Sorich

A robot monster used by the Machine Empire to access Zeo technology. He was capable of replacing the cogs on the Zeo cycles with evil ones that would cause the Rangers to lose control of the cycles. As such, the Zeo Cycles ended up getting destroyed. He also piloted the Zeo Megazord after knocking it out of the Rangers' control.

Cog Changer-Impursonator Fusion
Cog Changer-Impursonator Fusion

He later fused with Impursonator to form an extremely powerful, yet nameless, monster. As mentioned in Impursonator's description, this new monster didn't have enough to take down the Rangers, getting destroyed by the Warrior Wheel.

[edit] See also

Power Rangers monsters
Mighty Morphin monsters (Season One) - (Season Two) - (Season Three) - Zeo monsters
Turbo monsters - In Space monsters - Lost Galaxy monsters - Lightspeed Rescue Demons - Time Force Mutants
Wild Force Orgs - Ninja Storm monsters - Dino Thunder Mutations - S.P.D. Criminals - Mystic Force monsters
Operation Overdrive monsters