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                        WHY PICK HITLER?

Hitler was a Chancellor of Germany from 1933 until is death. He was the leader of the NSGWP (Nationalist Socialist German Workers Party) known as the Nazi party. Before Hitler became leader of Germany he used to be an artist, then became a soldier who fought in WWI against France and Belgium. So why did this man become leader of Germany? Germany need a leader who could help them rise from the depression and that’s what Adolf Hitler did. Hitler gave Germany economic stability, pride, and also gave Germany military power, which opened jobs for thousands of people.

Before Hitler was leader of Germany, it was a terrible place because of WWI. Germany money was worth nothing because they had to owed other countries money because of the damages they had done. Germany agreed to pay reparations of 132 billion gold marks to the Entente, according to Treaty of Versailles. Germany was held for all loss and damage suffered by the Allies during the war and provided the basis for reparations. Germany had no money, know one had jobs, and also Germany had to pay a massive amount of money to the Triple Entente.

Most people in Germany were poor and homeless. Thousands of people had no food and couldn’t support there families. Many people in Germany were frustrated with the ways Germany’s parties were handling things many voters began turning their support towards the Nazi Party, which made great promises of an economic, cultural, and military renewal. None of Germany’s parties was ready to assist Germany back to the way it was before, the Nazi party was more then ready, at that time Hitler was the president of the party.

In March 1935, Hitler violated the Treaty of Versailles by reintroducing conscription in Germany, building a massive military machine, including a new Navy and an Air Force. The enlistment of vast numbers of men and women in the new military seemed to solve unemployment problems, but seriously distorted the economy. This opened jobs for thousands of people, and also gave the a sense of pride. Hitler oversaw one of the greatest expansions of industrial production and civil improvement Germany had ever seen, mostly based on debt flotation and expansion of the military. Another thing that made Germany pick Hitler was that he made a promise telling everyone he would send all the Jews away for good, which led to mass extermination by gassing.

In conclusion people choose Hitler because Germany had no one else to turn to and also he made a lot of promises that Germany couldn’t refuse. Germany was at a low point during those years but Hitler changed it all when he became leader. Although Hitler violated the Treaty of Versailles and started WWII, he made Germany one of the best countries in those years, but it cost him his life and millions of others.

                                           By: Zakarie Mahdi