Zachary Fisher

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Zachary Fisher
Zachary Fisher
Zachary Fisher with his wife Elizabeth
Zachary Fisher with his wife Elizabeth

Zachary Fisher (Sept 26, 1910 - June 4, 1999) was a Russian American philanthropist who is notable for his charity work toward members of the United States Armed Forces and their families. He has constructed several "Fisher Houses", placed near Veterans Administrations hospitals, that host families of admitted service members that cannot afford temporary lodging while visiting.

In 1998 Bill Clinton awarded Zachary Fisher the Presidential Medal of Freedom.

In 1999 the U.S. Senate introduced a bill that would confer upon Fisher the status of honorary veteran of the Armed Forces. Fisher attempted to enlist in the military during World War II but was disqualified due to a preexisting medical condition. The bill did not pass and to this day only Bob Hope holds such status.

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