Yusuf Auda

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24 character
Yusuf Auda
Gender Male
Jobs held Intelligence Agent
Affiliation Unnamed Middle Eastern Nation
Family NA
Spouse NA
Current status Deceased
Portrayed by Donnie Keshawarz
Seasons 2

Yusuf Auda is a fictional character that featured was prominently in the second season of 24.

[edit] Biography

Yusuf was an intelligence agent from an unnamed Middle Eastern nation. During Day 2 he was sent to CTU headquarters in Los Angeles to assist in their investigation of the recently-captured terrorist Syed Ali and his operation, following Ali's failed attempt to destroy Los Angeles with a nuclear weapon.

Though officially CTU personnel were expected to cooperate with Yusuf, they had uncovered evidence implicating Yusuf's government (as well as two other unnamed Middle Eastern nations) of collaborating with Ali. Therefore CTU Director Tony Almeida effectively shut Yusuf out of their investigation, much to Yusuf's frustration.

When Jack Bauer left CTU on an unauthorized mission to confirm allegations from a source that the evidence against the three nations was false, Yusuf followed Jack and offered his services, hoping to prevent a war between the United States and his country.

Yusuf and Jack, along with Kate Warner met up with the source, Jonathan Wallace, and defended him when his former associates arrived to eliminate him. Wallace was critically injured in the firefight and the three drove him a clinic. Though Wallace died of his injuries soon after, they found chip containing evidence exonerating the three nations on his body.

While Jack went to distract Wallace's associates, Yusuf and Kate attempted to take the chip back to CTU. Unfortunately, the nuclear attack, while unsuccessful, had created a great deal of civil unrest. A small mob attacked Yusuf because he was Middle Eastern and abducted Kate, who was carrying the chip.

Jack returned in time to find the fatally injured Yusuf, who told him where to find Kate and the chip, telling him to finish what they'd started.

Civilians & Others on 24
Teri Bauer | Rick Allen | Kate Warner | Bob Warner | Reza Naiyeer | Gary Matheson | Yusuf Auda
Claudia | Kyle Singer | Dina Araz | Behrooz Araz | Paul Raines | Cheng Zhi | Diane Huxley
Yuri Suvarov | Anya Suvarov | James Nathanson | Sandra Palmer | Walid Al-Rezani
Hamri Al-Assad | Marilyn Bauer | Josh Bauer | Minor characters