Yulia Drunina
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Yulia Drunina (Russian: Юлия Владимировна Друнина, (May 10, 1924 - November 21, 1991) was a Russian poet. Her works were characterised with classical clarity, she often used real life experiences (such as participation in the war) as a source of inspiration for her writings. Her own war experience had a long-lasting and painful impression on her. During the perestroika era, she was elected to the Supreme Soviet of the USSR; during the August Coup, 1991, she was one of the many intellectuals to take part in defending the White House. Yulia Drunina committed suicide on November 21, 1991.
[edit] Citation
А всё равно
Меня счастливей нету,
Хотя, быть может,
Завтра удавлюсь...
Я никогда
Не налагала вето
На счастье,
На отчаянье,
На грусть.
Я ни на что
Не налагала вето,
Я никогда от боли не кричу.
Пока живу — борюсь.
Меня счастливей нету,
Меня задуть
Не смогут, как свечу.
[edit] External links
- Yulia Drunina. Poems
- Yulia Drunina in Moshkov's Library
- http://www.aif.ru/online/longliver/69/21_01 Recollections on Y.Drunina