Yukihiro Torikai

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Yukihiro TORIKAI (surname TORIKAI , givenname Yukihiro ), is a Japanese economist of Department of Human Development, School of Humanities & Culture, Tokai University (東海大学), which Shyonan campus is located in Hiratuka, Kanagawa (approximately 50 kilometres west of the center of Tokyo), and is a university with seven faculties. His major is development economics and environmental economics for sustainable development from the view point of developing economies.

TORIKAI Yukihiro, a Japanese economist, Ph.D, Economics
TORIKAI Yukihiro, a Japanese economist, Ph.D, Economics


[edit] Background

A beautiful spring of Yunnan, China, is managed by local residents who use its water for agricultulal production.
A beautiful spring of Yunnan, China, is managed by local residents who use its water for agricultulal production.

1959 born in Ibarakiken, Japan

1983 B.A. Economics, Economics Department at Chuo University (中央大学), Tokyo, Japan

1986 M.A. Economics, Economics Department at University of Tokyo (東京大学), Japan

1988 Ph.D. Economics, at University of Tokyo, Japan
Doctoral Dissertation: "Economic Behavir under Uncertainty: Case Studies of Phillipin Rice Farmers" Kind of academic degree (Doctor of Economics), Field of academic degree (Economics), Year and Date of conferral of degrees (1988/03/29)

1989-1990 Special Resercher of Japan Society for the Promotion of Science at University of Tokyo, Japan

1990-1996 Lecturer, School of Humanities and Culture, Tokai University

1998-1999 Visitor Researcher of Department of Agricultural Business Administration, Faculty of Agricultural Technology, King Mongkut's Institute of Technology Ladkrabang:KMITL, Bangkok, Thailand

1996-present Associate Professor, School of Humanities and Culture, Tokai University

[edit] Speciality field and Themes

Ceramics makers in Yunnan, China, who have labor intensive technologies at the local standard
Ceramics makers in Yunnan, China, who have labor intensive technologies at the local standard

Development economics and environmental economics, International cooperation, study on grass roots aids, study on the production system of private management firms, sustainable development.

His past research themes include textile production system in villages of Thailand and rocal technologies for production in China, influence of climate change from the view point of the energy economics and its practice in Kyoto Protocol of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change.

He is currently working on the possible combination of social development and Thai weaving techniques from the conceptual and practical viewpoints.

[edit] Research contents

Modern society is globalized, and in such globalized world, materials, money and man move across the national boundaries, contributing to economic development. However, what moves in such a way is not limited to "what is good," and harmful wastes such as mercury and lead move across the national boundaries as narcotic drugs and weapons do.

Local commons of Thai village
Local commons of Thai village

In other words, development and environment, and furthermore peace and human rights are intricately intertwined. His research theme is to analyze a flow of materials, money and man in this globalized world, and make economic analysis of "new sustainable development" in due consideration of development, environment, peace and human rights.

For this purpose, it is necessary not only to use statistics and data of each country, but also to make a field study by staying in developing nations. He has so far visited and investigated villages, fishing villages, small factories, slums, and garbage collection sites of Philippines, Thailand, Indonesia, Nepal, China, Mexico and Peru. It can be said that this kind of research requires not only knowledge, but also physical strength.

[edit] Major publications

Economics for Development and Environmental Protection, 1998, University of Tokai Press (ISBN 4486014197

Environmental Problems and International Co-operation, 2001, Seizan-sha (ISBN 4883590585

Social Development and Environmental Protection, 2002, University of Tokai Press (ISBN 4486015851

Environmental Economics of Rural Communities, 2007, Taga-shupan

[edit] Thesis

[1]Japanese Evaluation Team (Akira Takahashi, and TORIKAI Yukihiro et al.) Evaluation of the Japanese Development Assistance toward the Philippines. Ministry of Foreign Affairs, pp.1-48, 1998.

[2]"Economic Development and Nation Building in Peru: Problems after Restructuring in the 1990s" Journal of Behavior and Social Sciences pp.57-72,1999.

[3]The Structure of Capital Flow and The Post-Cold War: Japan's Role as a Capital Supplier." Journal of the School of Humanities and Culture , No.24, pp.203-232,1994

[edit] External links

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