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Yufka is a Turkish bread. It is thin, round and unleavened flat bread (40-50 cm in diameter) made from especially wheat flour, water and table salt. After kneading, dough is rested for 30 min. Dough pieces (approximately 150-200 g) are rounded and sheeted. Sheeted yufka dough are baked on a heated iron plate (sac). Baking time is approximately 2-3 minutes. During baking, yufka is turned over to bake other side. After baking, yufka breads have low moisture content and long shelf life depending on their moisture content. Before consumption, dry yufka breads are wetted by pulverised warm water. Wetted breads are covered with cotton fabrics to breads easily softened by sprayed some water and are rested for 10 or 12 minutes before consuming.

[edit] See also

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