Yu Yeon Kim

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Yu Yeon Kim (born South Korea) is an independent curator based in New York City, USA and Seoul, Korea. She has curated and been a commissioner of many distinguished international exhibitions of contemporary art.

Yu Yeon Kim was an International Researcher of the Liverpool Biennale 2004 (UK). She was also the Commissioner and curator for Latin America for the 3rd Kwangju Biennale 2000 (Exotica Incognita) in South Korea and a principle curator of the 2nd Johannesburg Biennale, South Africa, 1997–1998, (for which she curated Transversions at the Museum Africa).

In 2001, she produced and curated the controversial exhibition, Translated Acts - Performance and Body Art from East Asia, which was initially presented at the Haus der Kulturen der Welt, Berlin (2001) and then traveled to the Queens Museum of Art, New York (2001–2002) and the Museo de Carrillo Gil in Mexico City (2002–2003).

Yu Yeon Kim's curatorial projects also include:

  • Fragmented Histories, (Asia-Pacific section) for Cinco Continentes y Una Ciudad (Five Continents and One City) exposition at the Mexico City Museum in Mexico (1998);
  • In the Eye of the Tiger, a survey of Korean contemporary art at Exit Art/The Third World, New York, and the Ilmin Museum of Art, Seoul, Korea (1997–98);
  • DMZ_2000 (Demilitarized Zone between North and South Korea) at Korean Cultural Services in New York.

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  • DMZ_2005 An International Art Project (2005)

Perspectives in Mapping Digital Culture, (co-curated with Stephen Pusey) an on-line project featured on both the: