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The Ysalamir (Pronounced e-sal-i-miri or sal-i-miri, pronounced in Jedi Knight II: Jedi Outcast as uh-sarly-marrey) is an animal in the fictional Star Wars Expanded universe native to the mid-Rim planet Myrkr.

Homeworld Myrkr
Average height 0.5 meters long
Skin color
Distinctions Claws and long tail
Weapon Resilience towards the force
Famous members


[edit] Abilities

A Ysalamir has the unusual ability to create a Force-void bubble, a power developed as a protection against their natural predators the Vornskrs, who resemble vicious dogs. Being slow, vulnerable creatures - described as sessile, when they reach their adult stage, in which their claws grow into the tree in which they live, to the extent that as Talon Karrde would reveal to Grand Admiral Thrawn, they literally could not be separated from the branch they chose to make home; one had to cut off the desired limb of the tree and carry that around. Since their predators cast about in the Force to detect living prey, Ysalamiri evolved a natural ability to "push" the Force away, leaving an equidistant bubble round them. These bubbles reinforced each other, so that the main forest on Myrkr had a Force-empty ambit of several kilometers into orbit of the planet. This led to the curious result that Force users such as the Jedi or the Sith informally left the planet strictly off-limits, which led to the further curious development of it becoming a smuggling refuge. This development would bring the planet and its unique creatures to the notice of, and employment by the Grand Admiral Thrawn in controlling the insane clone Joruus C'Baoth, as well as to allow a faster clone development cycle.

[edit] See also

[edit] Appearances

[edit] References

[edit] External links

Species of Star Wars
Major species

Chiss | Ewok | Gamorrean | Human | Hutt | Killik | Nikto | Rancor | Rakata | Shistavanen | Ssi-Ruuk | Tusken Raider | Twi'lek | Ugnaughts | Wampa | Whill | Wookiee | Yuuzhan Vong | Ysalamir

Species lists
A-E | F-J | K-O | P-T | U-Z
In other languages