Youth of the Progress Party (Norway)

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Fremskrittspartiets Ungdom (Youth of the Progress Party), is the youth league of Fremskrittspartiet.

The current leader of the organization is Trond Birkedal.

The progress-party's youth organization is clealy more liberal than the progress-party itself is. Both in regards of economics and politics in general, this is the case. In the organization's manifest [1], it states that "The government should not use economic politics to influence the economic development", in stark contrast to the Progress Party's keynesian economic politics. It also wishes to replace the public safety net with private insurance arrangements and privatize all schools and hospitals. When it comes to social politics, the youth party has a much more liberal approach in cases like drugs and gay rights.

The first and foremost political principle for FpU is the individual freedom, and the right to do as you want, as long as it don't bother anyone else. A much used slogan, "my freedom ends where yours start", illustrate that in a clear way.

Political Youth Organisations in Norway
Raud Ungdom Sosialistisk Ungdom Arbeidernes Ungdomsfylking Senterungdomen KrFU Unge Venstre  Unge Hoyre Fremskrittspartiets Ungdom
Red Youth Socialist Youth Workers Youth League Centre Youth Youth of the Christian People's Party Young Liberals of Norway Young Right Youth of the Progress Party
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