Young Peacemakers Club

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Young Peacemakers Club began in 1992 with an all volunteer staff and seven children in Sioux City, IA. Since that time, Young Peacemakers Clubs have started all over the world by people who believe that each life makes a difference in the world. The skills of peacemaking have been promoted by this global grassroots effort in such diverse settings as schools, churches, homes, community centers, and as a special focus in other existing organizations. Kelly Guinan is the founder of Young Peacemakers Club as well as many other programs of peace including the PeaceMobile, Kindness Campaign, Miss Mary's HUGS, Children's Peace Festival, Building Bridges, and the Visions of Peace Art Collection.

PeaceQuest, Inc. is a 501(c)3 not-for-profit corporation that provides Young Peacemakers Club resources to people who cannot afford them. These resources are currently used in over 100 countries.

The resources available for Young Peacemakers Club are designed to be fun and educational, using simple activity centers. The material centers on four key areas: Peace for Me, Peace for Us, Peace for Everyone, and Peace for the Planet. The materials help teach children that peace begins within; explore cooperative relationships, communication and conflict resolution; and promote justice and respect for diversity. They also encourage appreciation and respect for the environment.

The materials have been applied in a wide variety of settings including school classrooms, church youth programs, community centers, and private home based efforts.

Young Peacemakers Club has been recognized by the Gandhi Institute as a resource for peacemaking and conflict resolution. It has also been designated by the United Nations Education, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) as a resource organization during the International Decade of the Global Movement for a Culture of Peace.

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