Young Greens (Ireland)

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The Young Greens (Irish: Ă“ige Ghlas) is the youth organisation of the Irish Green Party.


[edit] History

The Young Greens were formed in March 2002, as a group of students from the four main college campuses, which focused on the environment and social justice. It soon branched out to other college campuses and other themes, like opposition to the Iraq War and support for the Kyoto Protocol and Fairtrade. It campaigns for protection of the environment, human rights and more funding for education. Its activities are based mainly at a local level, meaning it has a low national profile.

[edit] Organization

The Young Greens have several hundred members in branches on eight campuses. Its national executive consists of eight officers - Chair, Secretary, Treasurer, Communications Officer, Campaigns Officer, Policy Co-ordinator, International Liasions Officer and Expansions Officer. It is closely associated with youth members of the Green Party in Northern Ireland. In 2004 it became associated with the Federation of Young European Greens. Its current chair is Ed Davitt, a graduate of Trinity College, Dublin and great grandson of Michael Davitt [1].

As of December 2006, the member branches are UCC, UCD, TCD, NUIG, NUIM and DLIADT. The organisation is currently looking to expand in DCU and UL in the immediate future and DIT in the longer term.

[edit] General Election 2007

The organization is expected to focus its activities during Spring 2007 on the Next Irish general election. One member of the Young Greens is running in that election; Roderic O'Gorman in Dublin West [[2]].

[edit] External links