You Suck

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Title You Suck: A Love Story
Author Christopher Moore
Country United States
Language English
Genre(s) Novel
Publisher William Morrow
Released January 16, 2007
Media type Print (Hardback)
ISBN ISBN 0-06-059029-7
Preceded by A Dirty Job

You Suck: A Love Story is the tenth novel by Christopher Moore.

It is a sequel to the author's Bloodsucking Fiends, from 1995, and was released on January 16, 2007 by William Morrow and Company.[1] The first chapter can be read at the author's blog.

The novel reached sixth place on the New York Times Best Seller list, according to the online issue dated February 4, 2007.

Spoiler warning: Plot and/or ending details follow.

The story of You Suck continues directly from the previous novel. Jody, a newly minted vampire, has remained in San Francisco despite her promise to the police to move away after the previous incidents. Tommy, her boyfriend, is shocked at the beginning of the sequel to discover that Jody has "turned" him (i.e., made him a vampire) -- hence the title of the novel, although she explains that she did it so that they could be together forever. They struggle to survive and to maintain their relationship despite the efforts of others to eliminate them.

Naturally, several other characters from Bloodsucking Fiends appear in this sequel, including the vampire who originally "turned" Jody, Tommy's co-workers at the grocery, police detectives Rivera and Cavuto, and "The Emperor." Abby Normal, who was a minor Goth character in A Dirty Job, here provides much of the narration from the diary of her adventures as a "minion" of Tommy and Jody. In addition, the plot briefly intersects with that of A Dirty Job, at the point where Jody visits Charlie Asher's store one night to deliver the "soul-object" of a dying old man whom she has just consumed. Although many of Moore's books feature appearances by characters from his previous novels, this is the first instance of the same scene being shown in two different books, from two different characters' perspectives.

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