Yosef Dayan

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Rabbi Yosef Dayan was born in 1945 in Mexico to Sephardic Jewish parents from Aleppo, Syria. The Dayan family traces its lineage directly to the Exilarchs of the ancient Near East. He is considered by some followers to be the contemporary legitimate heir to the post of Nassi (Prince) of the royal Davidic line. These supporters would refer to him as "Prince Yosef Dayan".

Dayan made aliyah (emigrated to Israel) in 1968 and joined Rabbi Meir Kahane's Kach movement. He was instrumental in establishing the Hebron Hills settlement of El-Nakam, which was destroyed on the orders of the then-Minister of Defense, Moshe Arens in 1982.

He is the founder and current director of Malchut Israel, an organization with the goal of restoring Israel's royal Davidic house, and is known as the Rabbi who enacted the Pulsa diNura against the Prime Ministers of Israel Yitzhak Rabin and Ariel Sharon. He opposes the democratic process in Israel, and he is leading a movement to boycott the Knesset elections.

Dayan is also the author of several books in Hebrew, Spanish and Italian. He also worked to translate modern Spanish literature into Hebrew. He is married with 6 children and currently resides in Psagot, Israel.

His son, Sgt. Hananel Dayan, refused to shake Chief of General Staff Lt.-Gen. Dan Halutz's hand during the 2006 Independence Day ceremonies while Hananel Dayan was being given an award for being an outstanding soldier.

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