York union

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York Union is the debating society of the University of York. It acts as a non-partisan forum for free discussion and debate on any, and every, matter. The Union does not shy away from the controversial but aims to hear and debate all views- the passive, the aggressive, the moderate, the extreme and the confused are all welcomed. Motions range from international affairs to questions of morality.

As one of the most active societies on the campus, they have a wide range of responsibilities and pursuits. Added to this is their role as a debating union in the national circuit of University debating unions. Thus their termcard is always full of activities.


[edit] Debating

York Union is increasing its involvement in the national debating circuit and now regularly sends teams to inter-varsity competitions (IVs) held almost every weekend at universities across the United Kingdom. The union also hopes to host its own IV for the first time in late 2007. As part of this effort the Union holds weekly debates as well as training classes for its members. As well as this, York Union organises and chairs debates between other university societies and department lecturers.

[edit] Speakers

The other primary pursuit of the Union is to invite interesting and high profile speakers to the university, most recently they have hosted Lord Hutton, Anthony Giddens and John Witherow to address the Union.

[edit] Schools Debating

The Union commits itself to helping Secondary school students in the Yorkshire area develop the skill of debating. With this, they are hosting the first Annual York Union Schools Competition in May 2007. It will be a one day novices competition starting with a workshop before the four rounds of the competition. As well as this event, the Union is organising regular debating workshops in Yorkshire Schools and running a mailing list for teachers to keep up to date on the debates and speakers the Union hosts so, should any be relevant to their students, they can come along.

[edit] Socials

The Union runs at least one social every term-week and these are wide ranging with movie nights, trips to comedy shows/plays, three-legged bar crawls, giant picnics in the summer, go-karting, ice-skating, Gift of the Gab (a battle between the sexes) and the annual ball after the York IV.

[edit] Society and Council

York Union is managed by a council of 10 members, who are elected anually.

The current council are:

President Maryah Mufti

Vice President Edmund Scholey

Treasurer Nicholas Duvall

Secretary Lily Eastwood

Speakers Secretary Morven Hamilton

IV Secretary (2 positions) Katie Holland & James Eustace

Schools Secretary Carina Topham

Marketing and Publicity Secretary Robin Jervis

Webmaster Anthony Cox

[edit] External Links

The York Union Website