Yissocher Frand

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A Portrait of Rabbi Frand
A Portrait of Rabbi Frand
One of Rabbi Frand's books
One of Rabbi Frand's books

Rabbi Yissocher Frand is an American orthodox rabbi and author. He is a rosh yeshiva (senior lecturer) at Ner Yisrael yeshiva in Baltimore, MD. Raised in Seattle, Washington he is the brother of Erwin Frand, he attended Ner Yisrael as a student and progressed to become a maggid shiur (lecturer). He is currently well known within the Orthodox Jewish community as a skilled orator, and has given hundreds of invited lectures over the past decades.

In the late 1980s he started a weekly Thursday night lecture in the Agudath Yisrael of Baltimore, which became highly popular. Building on points from the weekly Torah reading, he typically addresses both a topic in practical halakha (Jewish law) and homiletics/ethics. Taped versions of these lectures were distributed, making him a popular speaker in the United States and abroad. Then Project Genesis, a Jewish outreach organization, undertook to publish the homiletical parts of his weekly talks online, adding to his popularity. This, in turn, led to revised versions of these lectures published in book form.

He is a board member and speaker on behalf of the Chofetz Chaim Heritage Foundation, an organization dedicated to educating the Jewish public on the laws of lashon hara (speaking negatively about others).

[edit] Books

  • Rabbi Yissocher Frand in print: Contemporary and classic issues through the prism of Torah, Artscroll, September 1995. ISBN 0-89906-631-3
  • Listen to Your Messages: And Other Observations on Contemporary Jewish Life, Artscroll, August 1999. ISBN 1-57819-140-8
  • An Offer You can't Refuse: and other essays on the art of living, Artscroll, January 2004. ISBN 1-57819-438-5
  • Rabbi Frand on the Parashah: Insights, stories and observations ... on the weekly Torah reading, Artscroll, 2001. ISBN 1-57819-594-2
  • Oholei Yissocher (Printed in Hebrew): Insights on Tractates Moed Katan and Temurah, Self-Published, 1986

[edit] Rabbi Frand's Gemara Shiur Schedule For 5766-7

  • Elul Z'man: Mesechta Moed Katan, First and Second Perakim
  • Choref Z'man: Mesechta Pesachim, Perek Arvei Pesachim
  • Kayitz Z'man: Mesechta Menachos

[edit] External links